
I’m sorry if this isn’t strictly an SDL issue, but I have built my program
using the following commands:

g++ -c -ggdb -UNDEBUG -Iinclude -Isrc -IC:\MinGW\include\SDL
src\bz\file.cpp -
o src\bz\file.obj
— snip other source files compiled the same as the first —
g++ -ggdb -UNDEBUG -Iinclude -Isrc -IC:\MinGW\include\SDL -o project.exe
bz\file.obj -L. -lmingw32 -lSDLmain -lSDL -lopengl32 -lglu32 -ll
ua5.1 -lm

This has worked well enough for me except that on Windows the stdout and
stderr output gets rerouted to stdout.txt and stderr.txt respectively, even
though a console is displayed along with the SDL window (nothing is ever
printed to the console). Output goes to the files even if I run it from a
command line, and even if I run it thru gdb. This isn’t behavior that I
expected, coming from Linux. I’d rather output just go to the console so I
can see it live because I use it for debugging.

Questions: 1. Is this normal Windows behavior? 2. How do I change it?

Thanks much,

This has worked well enough for me except that on Windows the stdout and
stderr output gets rerouted to stdout.txt and stderr.txt respectively,
though a console is displayed along with the SDL window (nothing is ever
printed to the console). Output goes to the files even if I run it from a
command line, and even if I run it thru gdb…


Sorry, but I found the answer myself. Sometimes my internet searching
take a while to kick in. Here it is:

Thanks anyway,

Charles McGarvey wrote:

Sorry, but I found the answer myself. Sometimes my internet searching
take a while to kick in. Here it is:

Also see: