TTF_Font (?forward declaration?)

Hello all!!

I’m doing some stuff in SDL, and now I’ve started with SDL_ttf.

The thing is that I have these (is a lot of code to reproduce it as a
TTF_Font *fuente = NULL;

fuente = TTF_RenderText_Blended(…);

delete fuente;(

When a compile a got the next messages:(that one are in Spanish, so i’ll
try to translate it)

(SP)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: aviso: se detect? un posible problema en la
invocaci?n del operador delete:
(EN)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: warning: possible trouble detected in the use
of delete operator:

(SP)—>Dibujante.cpp:162: aviso: ?fuente? tiene un tipo de dato incompleto
(EN)—>Dibujante.cpp:162: warning: ‘fuente’ has an incomplete type data.

(EN)—>/usr/include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:42: aviso: forward declaration of
?struct _TTF_Font?

(SP)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: nota: no se llamar? ni al destructor ni al
operador delete espec?fico de la clase, a?n si se declaran cuando se
defina la clase.
(EN)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: note: It will be called neither to the
destructor nor the specific delete operator of the class, even if they
are declared when the class is defined.

I’dont understand that messages cause i think that the use that I’m
doing of the type TTF_Font and the operator “delete” is “legal”. If
somebody can help me with that, I’ll appreciate it.

(Sorry for my English)

Thanks for advance.


TTF_RenderText_Blended() returns a SDL_Surface* not a TTF_Font*.

You need to use (code snipped from SDL_ttf docs):

// load font.ttf at size 16 into font
TTF_Font *fuente;
fuente=TTF_OpenFont(“font.ttf”, 16);
printf(“TTF_OpenFont: %s\n”, TTF_GetError());
// handle error

Then to render some text (again, snipped from SDL_ttf docs):

// Render some text in blended black to a new surface
// then blit to the upper left of the screen
// then free the text surface
//SDL_Surface *screen;
SDL_Color color={0,0,0};
SDL_Surface *text_surface = NULL;

text_surface=TTF_RenderText_Blended(fuente, “Hello World!”,color);
//handle error here, perhaps print TTF_GetError at least
//perhaps we can reuse it, but I assume not for simplicity.

AlvinOn Tuesday 19 June 2007 11:35:59 Zaka E-Lab wrote:

TTF_Font *fuente = NULL;

fuente = TTF_RenderText_Blended(…);

delete fuente;(


OK, two things:

  1. TTF_RenderText_Blended returns a type SDL_Surface, not TTF_Font

  2. When finished with the surface, use SDL_FreeSurface to release the memory

TTF_Font *font;
SDL_Surface *text_surface;

    printf_s("TTF_Init: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
    printf_s("TTF_OpenFont: %s\n", TTF_GetError());
// handle error

    // ERROR!!
    SDL_BlitSurface(text_surface, NULL, dest, &rect);


Hope this helps
Ed> ----- Original Message -----

From: (Zakariae El-Abdelouarti Alouaret)
To: Lista SDL.
Sent: Tuesday, 19 June, 2007 3:35:59 PM
Subject: [SDL] TTF_Font (?forward declaration?)

Hello all!!

I’m doing some stuff in SDL, and now I’ve started with SDL_ttf.

The thing is that I have these (is a lot of code to reproduce it as a
TTF_Font *fuente = NULL;

fuente = TTF_RenderText_Blended(…);

delete fuente;(

When a compile a got the next messages:(that one are in Spanish, so i’ll
try to translate it)

(SP)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: aviso: se detect? un posible problema en la
invocaci?n del operador delete:
(EN)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: warning: possible trouble detected in the use
of delete operator:

(SP)—>Dibujante.cpp:162: aviso: ?fuente? tiene un tipo de dato incompleto
(EN)—>Dibujante.cpp:162: warning: ‘fuente’ has an incomplete type data.

(EN)—>/usr/include/SDL/SDL_ttf.h:42: aviso: forward declaration of
?struct _TTF_Font?

(SP)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: nota: no se llamar? ni al destructor ni al
operador delete espec?fico de la clase, a?n si se declaran cuando se
defina la clase.
(EN)—>Dibujante.cpp:202: note: It will be called neither to the
destructor nor the specific delete operator of the class, even if they
are declared when the class is defined.

I’dont understand that messages cause i think that the use that I’m
doing of the type TTF_Font and the operator “delete” is “legal”. If
somebody can help me with that, I’ll appreciate it.

(Sorry for my English)

Thanks for advance.


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I wanted to put that

TTF_Font *fuente = NULL;

SDL_Surface *superficie;

superficie = TTF_RenderText_Blended(…);

delete fuente;

Thanks again and sorry for the typesetter error!!!


Do not use delete. Instead, use SDL_FreeSurface() as in:

Also, I assume you use TTF_OpenFont() [or variant] to create fuente. If so, do
not use delete on fuente, use TTF_CloseFont() as in:

AlvinOn Tuesday 19 June 2007 12:26:09 Zaka E-Lab wrote:


I wanted to put that

TTF_Font *fuente = NULL;

SDL_Surface *superficie;

superficie = TTF_RenderText_Blended(…);

delete fuente;

OK, I’ll be trying it.

