Use two objects

Hi there!
I want to make a evil move in a direction of a player so i have the following classes:
In my method move i want to use the object evil but i received this error message unknow type name evil:

void move( Tile *tiles[],evil evil ,int *ptr_diff,bool *quit);

I try to move tthe class evil in a another file .h and include to the h.pp but this error persist.
Do you have an idea how can i fix it ?

class evil
//The dimensions of the perso
static const in tEVIL_WIDTH = 46;
static const int EVIL_HEIGHT = 47;

//Maximum axis velocity 

static const int EVIL_VEL = 1;

//Initializes the variables

// evil();

//Moves the perso and check collision against tiles
void move( Tile *tiles[] );
void move( Tile *tiles[],int *ptr_diff,perso perso);
//Centers the camera over the perso

void setCamera( SDL_Rect& camera );

//Shows the perso on the screen
void render( SDL_Rect& camera ,int type);

//Get the collision box
SDL_Rect getBox();

//Collision box of the perso
SDL_Rect minotaureBox;

//The velocity of the perso
int minoVelX, minoVelY;

//The perso that will move around on the screen
class perso
//The dimensions of the perso
static const int perso_WIDTH = 40;//20 20
static const int perso_HEIGHT = 40;

//Maximum axis velocity of the perso
static const int perso_VEL = 10;

//Initializes the variables

//Takes key presses and adjusts the perso's velocity
void handleEvent( SDL_Event& e ,evil evil,Tile *tiles[]);

//Moves the perso and check collision against tiles
void move( Tile *tiles[],evil evil ,int *ptr_diff,bool *quit);

//Centers the camera over the perso
void setCamera( SDL_Rect& camera );

//Shows the perso on the screen
void render( SDL_Rect& camera );

//Get the collision box
SDL_Rect getBox();

//Collision box of the perso
SDL_Rect mBox;

//The velocity of the perso
int mVelX, mVelY;


In the perso.h file, at the top, add #include "evil.h" and see if it solves the problem.

Also change the evil parameter into a pointer, like so: void move(Tile* pTiles[], Evil* pEvil, int* pPtr_diff, bool* pQuit);

Thanks i just add these two lines:
class evil;
class perso;

on the top of the header file and its works