Visual C++ 2005 Express Beta

Finally got a basic setup working on the latest version of Visual C++
2005 Express Beta (Beta 2 CTS). It took some work but here are the
steps I can remember.

Download SDL source code, unzip the and convert the
project to VC8 (wizard when opened).

Download DirectX sdk and install

Download Win32 Platform sdk and install

Add include / lib directories for both sdk’s to either the whole environment
(tools->options… Projects and Solutions->VC++ Directories) or
to each project in the SDL solution.

Add user32.lib gdi32.lib advapi32.lib to the linker->input section
under properties

DON’T FORGET to make all property changes in the All Configurations
configuration so it works for Debug AND Release.

Remove the Version.rc file from the SDL project

Build Solution (Debug and/or Release)

Create a simple SDL solution and make sure you have the include and
lib directories for the SDL stuff in the environment or project
settings. It should no longer ASSERT as that bug which was reported
by myself and another individual has been close (it was when SDL tried
to close stdout and stderr to flush output, you don’t even need SDL to
cause the bug in Beta 1)

Have Fun, and ask any questions in a reply to the list for all to benefit.

Adam Hewgill