What do you think about my tic tac troll game?

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

After learning about game development with SDL (on this site : lazyfoo.net), I’d like to make you test my game and get some feedbacks about it and about the code.
I’m french (and I’m sorry for my english -_-) and this first project is in french.

You can get it here :

Thanks :slight_smile:

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Interesting concept. I’d like to see how this would play out on a larger board. If you’re looking for feedback on your source code, I recommend putting it up on www.github.com.


Hello, thanks for your comment, for tic tac troll I’d like to uprade it with a min max algorithm and create a mode with a stronger AI. It’s a very good Idea to add a larger board too for an upgrade. I think I’m going to put my code on gitlab or github :slight_smile: