Why when I add the load and draw functions do I get "missing terminating " character"

Hi I’ve got the basic skeleton for my game engine running but why when I add the load and draw functions on line 57 and 63 in Game.cpp does it produce the eror “missing terminating " charcter”? I copied them straight out of the book and it compiles fine when I remove them.


#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <SDL2/SDL_image.h>
#include “TextureManager.h”
#include “Game.h”
#include “TextureManager.cpp”
#include “Game.cpp”

int main(int argc, char * args[])
Game * g_game = new Game;

g_game->init("Chapter 1", 100,100,640,480,false);


return 0;


#ifndef Game
#define Game

class Game
Game() {}
~Game() {}

bool init(const char* title, int xpos, int ypos, int width,
int height, bool fullscreen);
void renderer();
void render();
void update();
void handleEvents();
void clean();

// a function to access the private running variable
bool running() {return m_bRunning;}


SDL_Window * m_pWindow;
SDL_Renderer * m_pRenderer;
SDL_Surface * pTempSurface;

int m_currentFrame;

bool m_bRunning;

#endif /* defined(__Game_h__) */


#include "Game.h"

bool Game::init(const char* title, int xpos, int ypos, int width,
int height, bool fullscreen)

	int flags = 0;

	if (fullscreen)

		// attempt to initialize SDL
		std::cout<<"SDL Init Success\n";
		// init the window
		m_pWindow = SDL_CreateWindow(title, xpos, 
		std::cout<<"Window Init Fail\n";
		return false; //window init fail

		if(m_pWindow != 0) //window init success
		std::cout<<"Window Creation Success\n";
		m_pRenderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(m_pWindow, -1, 0);

			if(m_pRenderer !=0) // render init success
			std::cout<<"Renderer Creation Success\n";
			SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(m_pRenderer, 255,0,0,255);
			std::cout<<"Renderer Init Fail\n";
			return false; // renderer init fail


	std::cout<<"SDL Init Fail\n";
	return false; // SDL init fail

		//to load					
		if(!TheTextureManager::Instance()->load("assets/animate-alpha.png","animate", m_pRenderer))						alpha.png","animate",m_pRenderer))	{
		return false;
		//to draw
		TheTextureManager::Instance()->draw("animate",0,0, 128, 82, m_pRenderer);	

	std::cout<<"Init success\n";
	m_bRunning = true; // everything inited successfully
	// start the main loop

	return true;


void Game::renderer()
SDL_RenderClear(m_pRenderer); // clears the renderer
// to the draw colour

SDL_RenderPresent(m_pRenderer); // draw to the screen

void Game::render()



void Game::update()
m_currentFrame = int(((SDL_GetTicks() / 100) % 6));

void Game::clean()
std::cout<<"Cleaning game\n";

void Game::handleEvents()
SDL_Event event;
		switch (event.type)
		case SDL_QUIT:
 		m_bRunning = false;


#ifndef __TextureManager__
#define __TextureManager__

class TextureManager

bool load(std::string fileName, std::string id, SDL_Renderer* pRenderer);

void draw(std::string id, int x, int y, int width, int height, SDL_Renderer* pRenderer, SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE);

// drawframe
void drawFrame(std::string id, int x, int y, int width, int height, int currentRow, int currentFrame, SDL_Renderer* pRenderer, SDL_RendererFlip flip = SDL_FLIP_NONE);

std::map<std::string, SDL_Texture*> m_textureMap;

static TextureManager *s_pInstance;

static TextureManager* Instance()
	if(s_pInstance == 0)
	s_pInstance == new TextureManager();
	return s_pInstance;

return s_pInstance;



typedef TextureManager TheTextureManager;

#endif /* defined(__TextureManager_h__) */


#include “TextureManager.h”

TextureManager* TextureManager::s_pInstance = 0;

bool TextureManager::load(std::string fileName, std::string id, SDL_Renderer* pRenderer)
SDL_Surface* pTempSurface = IMG_Load(fileName.c_str());

if(pTempSurface == 0)
return false;
printf(“IMG_Load Error %s\n”, SDL_GetError());
std::cout <<“IMG_Load Success!\n”;

SDL_Texture* pTexture =
SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(pRenderer, pTempSurface);


// everything went ok, add texture to our list
if(pTexture !=0)
m_textureMap[id] = pTexture;
return true;

// reaching here means something went wrong
return false;

void TextureManager::draw(std::string id, int x, int y, int width, int height, SDL_Renderer* pRenderer, SDL_RendererFlip flip)
SDL_Rect srcRect;
SDL_Rect destRect;

srcRect.x =0;
srcRect.y =0;
srcRect.w = destRect.w = width;
srcRect.h = destRect.h = height;
destRect.x =x;
destRect.y =y;

SDL_RenderCopyEx(pRenderer, m_textureMap[id], &srcRect, &destRect, 0, 0, flip);

void TextureManager::drawFrame(std::string id, int x, int y, int width, int height, int currentRow,
int currentFrame, SDL_Renderer *pRenderer, SDL_RendererFlip flip)
SDL_Rect srcRect;
SDL_Rect destRect;
srcRect.x = width * currentFrame;
srcRect.y = height * (currentRow -1);
srcRect.w = destRect.w = width;
srcRect.h = destRect.h = height;
destRect.x = x;
destRect.y = y;

SDL_RenderCopyEx(pRenderer, m_textureMap[id], &srcRect, &destRect, 0,0, flip);

please put your posted code in code-blocks, like

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

then it’ll look like

int main(int argc, char** argv) {

which makes it all a lot more readable.

Also, the compiler error should mention what line in which source file it refers to, maybe check out that line (and tell us which one it is)

ok I will try that with the codeblocks next time. Here is the compiler output:

g++ main.cpp -lSDL2 -lSDL2_image
In file included from main.cpp:9:0:
Game.cpp:57:119: warning: missing terminating " character
animate-alpha.png",“animate”, m_pRenderer)) alpha.png",“animate”,m_pRenderer)) {
Game.cpp:57:119: error: missing terminating " character
animate-alpha.png",“animate”, m_pRenderer)) alpha.png",“animate”,m_pRenderer)) {
Game.cpp: In member function ‘bool Game::init(const char*, int, int, int, int, bool)’:
Game.cpp:57:100: error: ‘alpha’ was not declared in this scope
ce()->load(“assets/animate-alpha.png”,“animate”, m_pRenderer)) alpha.png",“animate”,m_pRenderer)) {
Game.cpp:57:100: note: suggested alternative: ‘isalpha’
ce()->load(“assets/animate-alpha.png”,“animate”, m_pRenderer)) alpha.png",“animate”,m_pRenderer)) {

Please help me fix this error.

Many thanks.

if(!TheTextureManager::Instance()->load(“assets/animate-alpha.png”, “animate”, m_pRenderer)) alpha.png",“animate”,m_pRenderer)) {
return false;

You should be able to see what’s wrong with that function call.
You’ve added some extra text after it:
alpha.png","animate",m_pRenderer)) {
Not only are you writing out a string without embedding it between quote signs ("), don’t have the text as a comment and you also have an opening bracket ({) that isn’t closed with a closing bracket (}).
So just remove the extra text after the load() function call and it should work.

And also, the draw function call should probably be called in the render function and not in the init function.

TheTextureManager::Instance()->draw(“animate”,0,0, 128, 82, m_pRenderer);

Thanks for your help, got it to compile.