[ANN] Formido - a shooting game

Unless there’s an nntp/mail gateway that I’m not aware of, this is a
mailing list, not a newsgroup.

There is. www.gmane.org
Cool. (But it’s still not a newsgroup, just a gated list. :slight_smile:
Maybe its a gated newsgroup.

ppl, get over it… no matter what anyone says, everyone is going to
continue doing what he or she already was doing… and personally, i dont
mind the announcments of new games, because they most likely also contain a
link for download, and also request for testing / help or something, which
fits into this mailing list, i think…

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Assuming this application is single-threaded, the best solution is
probably to allocate a static char buffer inside the function, copy the
text into that, and return its address from the function. Make the
buffer a nice safe 128 characters long or so, and use strncpy (or is
that _strncpy?) to ensure that you never overflow that buffer even so.

That’s kinda an icky solution (can’t store the result between calls to the
function)… may as well use global variables =)

If you’re multithreading, you don’t really want to use some sort of
static buffer; instead, add relevant ‘free’ calls after each call to
key_name() and make sure that it’s always returning a freeable pointer
(ie. strdup the constants too).

That’s the better idea, and probably the least distruptive solution to
what’s there already.

Or lastly, you could just set up your own array of keynames, populating
them at the start of the program by calling SDL_GetKeyName for
everything up to SDLK_LAST, changing them to upper case yourself, and
returning pointers to them instead.

Or since he’s using C++, he could use a string and take advantage of the
copy constructor for returning the value.


Julian.On Sat, 08 Feb 2003 2:58 pm NZDT, Kylotan wrote:

The optimum committee has no members.
– Norman Augustine

I didn’t expect to get this much feedback (and code fixes) in one day =)
Heh, it actually took me long time just to read all those replies…

I’ll try to answer most of the questions:
About the virus stuff, I scanned my computer a few days before
releasing the game and I was pretty sure it didn’t contain any viruses.
When I read the first posts about a virus, I thought that
“oh crap, how did it get in there!?” sigh. Good thing it was only a
false positive.

Nice little game… though its a little difficult to control when you fire
in one direction and run in another. ?I’d love to see more variety in maps,
creatures, etc. ?A great little game to burn some free time on, though.

Thanks. That’s one thing with gun pointing away from where you’re
going - it’s a design thing just to make life a bit harder :wink:
I don’t think I’m making new maps or creatures, because it would
require much work, and the game is just about what you said:
burning some free time - it’s to be played in short periods. If I
add too much features into it, it won’t be the same little game
just for killing time.

The options crash was fixed when I tried a patch sent me by
Jarmo Hekkanen (thank you). The key_name() uses static arrays
now and it works great.

In the function move_gibs() in critter.cpp, there is a problem with the
first case in your if statement.

Now the game play is stable, thanks to Julian Peterson.
Jarmo Hekkanen also addressed this bug, though I haven’t
tried his method, thanks to him too.
I committed the same patch to move_critters() too, because
there was just the same problem.
Wonder that Windows version hasn’t crashed for me (yet).
I should probably patch it too, though.

Additionally, Tim O’Brien provided patches for all these problems,
and he made the game grab the input on non-Win32 platforms
(direct quote) “because I noticed some of the
keypresses were not getting through to the game
(for example if the window manager was using left
ctrl key for something).”
He also fixed one stupid bug in effect.cpp where I was using SCREEN_W
instead of SCREEN_H. Thanks.

And thanks to Jarmo Hekkanen again, the +60 hiscore bug is now

Ok, I’d like to thank you all for your patches and feedback.
I cannot fit all your names into the credits, so I will mention every single
person who sent me a patch in the README. Hope that’s ok with
every one.

I will try to fix the typecast warnings and make the Linux release available
tonight or tomorrow (Sunday). I’m not going to make two separate versions
(with and without music) like in the Win32-ver (to save disk space) but
I’ll make the soundtrack available in a separate package.–
Mika Halttunen

gmane takes this list and turns it into nntp, and when you reply, it goes
back to the list.
it’s just a conversion service for mailing lists that want to be

in fact, I originally tried posting my installation problem there, but not
being a member of this list, my message required list-admin approval., so
gmane is just a converter for this list to be in nntp format.

as to using sdl-announce, from http://www.libsdl.org/mailman/listinfo/ the
description of sdl states that the developer list includes sdl-announce.

that said, it would be nice if there were separate “dev-help” and
“look-what-i-made” lists, since I’m one of those people that prefers to
segment my reading.> ----- Original Message -----

From: calvin@ironfroggy.com (Calvin Spealman)
Sent: Friday, February 07, 2003 11:00 PM
Subject: [SDL] Re: no ‘own project’ advertising for me…

Unless there’s an nntp/mail gateway that I’m not aware of, this is a
mailing list, not a newsgroup.

There is. www.gmane.org
Cool. (But it’s still not a newsgroup, just a gated list. :slight_smile:
Maybe its a gated newsgroup.

SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org