Blitting Image With Mouse Click

OK I know this dosen’t relate to SDL anymore, and is more of a C++ thing
now, but I would like one piece of help before I go on.

Just no. When someone calls attention to the fact that you are off-topic,
you don’t go asking more questions. This email chain is 40 emails long, and
you still haven’t figured out how to blit multiple towers or whatever. The
most gentle way I can put this (and I know a lot of you out there are
thinking this too) is that you aren’t yet in the "graphics programming"
level of experience – your mastery of C/C++ concepts like structured data
simply aren’t there. You’re writing code that looks closer to Comp Sci 101
after you first learn what a variable is. SDL is a toolkit aimed at
programmers with a slightly higher experience level. What you need right
now isn’t help blitting towers, it is translating problems in data
structures and code. That can’t be taught so much as hard earned via
practice. It’s a different mindset entirely.

Please, spend a lot of time learning the language you are programming in
and gaining a mastery of that. Then, once you have a grasp on that, ask
questions about how to use SDL to achieve those goals.

PatrickOn Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:44 PM, GameCoder <g_andy at> wrote: