get tablet stylus pressure

yes perfect. (Indeed the X11 driver cannot get the tilt for the Huion tablet, unfortunately)

I’ve just modified the sourcecode in a local build for iOS to report pen pressure , as follows:

SDL/Library Source/video/uikit/SDL_uikitview.m
-(void)touchesBegin(NSSet*) touches withEvent:(UIEvent*) event
        for (UITouch *touch in touches) {
        BOOL handled = NO;
        if (touch.type == UITouchTypePencil){
            g_pen_pressure = touch.type;

float g_pen_pressure;
float SDL_GetPenPressure(){return g_pen_pressure;}

I might have some details to iron out , e.g. how it interacts with the other touch types.
seems like keeping a forked version of SDL2 I can get the support i’m after but I find it a bit daunting to go through the whole PR process and test it for all the platforms. but i’ll definitely share code if I get this working for anything else.

keeping a fork just for this seems easier than ditching SDL2 generally, I’ve enjoyed how well this works across so many platforms.