List all GUI toolkits for SDL

A couple of years ago, we saw KiWi on the mailing list:

It may have even been the first to be announced for SDL2.

If you use SDL_gpu or OpenGL directly, you can additionally set up
rendering for librocket ( and Nuklear (
GitHub - vurtun/nuklear: A single-header ANSI C gui library). These would work on either SDL1.2 or
SDL2 and they look great.

Jonny DOn Sun, Sep 11, 2016 at 7:22 AM, MrTAToad wrote:

SDL1 or SDL2 ?

For the former, I dont know. For the latter its around 3/4

Geeonx GUI (SDL :: View topic - Geeonx GUI library for LINUX and SDL 1.2)

Guichan - Uses OpenGL - (SDL :: View topic - Guisan - C++ SDL2 toolkit)
KISS - (Kiss_sdl - Simple universal GUI widget toolkit for SDL - SDL Development - Simple Directmedia Layer)
Nanogui - Uses OpenGL - (
neoGFX - Uses OpenGL - (
SDL_gui - Seems to be specifically geared towards Android (
GitHub - mozeal/SDL_gui: GUI library for SDL2)

SDL_widgets - This is… a weird one… Its a GUI system alright, but
overly complicated and works only for specific compilers (because it is too
Linux orientated) (

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