Mouse emulation of touch events

The problem will be when PCs with touch but without mouse start
becoming common. On desktops this probably will never happen, but I
can see it happening with laptops (the touchpad is not a good
replacement and not many people are willing to carry around a mouse
for a laptop).

Also, if the program is aware that it explicitly has to enable touch
emulating the mouse, it probably is aware that it could just handle
touch events and use gestures properly…

2013/1/16, Gabriele Greco <gabriele.greco at>:>> 1) By default, map touch events to mouse events, and provide no touch

2) If an app “enables” touch events (during initialization), SDL should
2b) A possible variation of #2: map single-finger motion touches &

IMHO both approaches are wrong.

The correct one is the actual one (mouse != touch), with the addition of
SDL_Hints to force a sort of OPTIONAL mirroring of touch -> mouse.

Devices with both mouses and touch screen will become more and more common.

For instance, it’s a recent news that Intel will enforce the use of touch
screen monitors with his 2013 line of low power processors…
