I have made the next demo for WebAssembly, Android, and Desktop using: Qt C++, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenAL-Soft (this is a library for music and sounds), Box2D (for jumps, collision detections, and ray casting), Hiero (this is an application to create a font with distance field from TTF), Free Texture Packer (to pack images to one texture atlas), and Tiled map editor (to position sprites and Box2D static colliders).
- Click to run in your browser (it is a link to itch where you can download EXE for Windows 10 64 bit and APK for Android 7-14)
- Click to run in your browser (it is a link to the Netlify free hosting)
- GitHub repository
All resources (sprites, music and sounds) have been replaced with free ones. You can see a list of free resources here. For example, I took the sprites here: More-Bit 8-Bit Mario by webfussel
I have made a custom joystick for Android in pure OpenGL ES 2.0 (this is an animation from the real phone that I made using scrcpy):