My step by step guides for SDL3 to build for Android and WebAssembly

I have made the next demo for WebAssembly, Android, and Desktop using: Qt C++, OpenGL ES 2.0, OpenAL-Soft (this is a library for music and sounds), Box2D (for jumps, collision detections, and ray casting), Hiero (this is an application to create a font with distance field from TTF), Free Texture Packer (to pack images to one texture atlas), and Tiled map editor (to position sprites and Box2D static colliders).

All resources (sprites, music and sounds) have been replaced with free ones. You can see a list of free resources here. For example, I took the sprites here: More-Bit 8-Bit Mario by webfussel

I have made a custom joystick for Android in pure OpenGL ES 2.0 (this is an animation from the real phone that I made using scrcpy):
