(no subject)

I have a question.
i’ve managed to compile SDL 1.2.5 from cvs with embedded visual tools 3.0 for the sh3 and arm platform
how can i post the project, so other developers can have access to it

I have a question.
i’ve managed to compile SDL 1.2.5 from cvs with embedded visual tools 3.0 for the sh3 and arm platform
how can i post the project, so other developers can have access to it

Go ahead and send it directly to me. I’ll make it available on the SDL site,
in the cvs directory.

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment


how can i create a simple 8 Bit Surface with the SDL.

Must i use the CreateRGBSurface funktion??


Not really, but it’s probably the easiest way to get it right, by far.

However, what kind of surface do you want? SDL assumes that 8 bit
surfaces are palletized (ie like a VGA Mode 13h screen), whereas 16,
24 and 32 bit surfaces become various forms of TrueColor/HighColor

Also have a look at SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom(), in case you already
have the pixel data ready.

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

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http://olofson.nethttp://www.reologica.se —On Tuesday 04 February 2003 16.26, Christian Gilman wrote:


how can i create a simple 8 Bit Surface with the SDL.

Must i use the CreateRGBSurface funktion??

unsubscribe @Herbert_G_Fischer
subscribe hgfischer at trama.com

I found that the information “couldn’t create semaphore” was from the file
sdl also can manage semaphore,right??

Best regards,

+++ GMX - Mail, Messaging & more http://www.gmx.net +++
Bitte l?cheln! Fotogalerie online mit GMX ohne eigene Homepage!


I’m working on a framework for a gamingplatform…
Now, ofcourse I have run into som trouble.

I want to have one SDL_Surface that’s the screen, and then have other
"modules" have their own SDL_Surfaces that works like the screen for them.
All those Surfaces are then checked and drawn to the “main” SDL_Surface.
Now, I have the following class:

class SurfaceManager
static SurfaceManager* ms_pkInstance;

map m_kSurfaces; <---- This contains a struct that contains some info
about the “virtual” screen and an SDL_Surface*
SDL_Surface* m_pkScreen;

Options kOptions;

SDL_Surface* GetSurface (string kSurfaceName);
bool AddSurface (string kKey, SDL_Surface* kSurface);
bool AddSurface(string kKey, int iWidth = 0, int iHeight = 0, int
iColorDepth = 0);
void SetActiveSurface(string kKey);
void InitSDL();

void Render( float iFrameTime );

SurfaceManager* GetInstance() { return ms_pkInstance; }


Daniel Liljeberg===============================
Daniel Liljeberg
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Does anyone know what 3D Engine Carmageddon is based
on. It doesn’t look like BSP trees. Could it be
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Messenger http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/

???Linden Gu

I’ve tried to build SDL with Borland C++ Builder using borland.html manual.
When I try to “build all projects” (as it is written in manual) there were
errors, for example: Unable to find package import: clie.bpi.

What should I do? Answer will be welcome.
Milosz Kmieciak.

Greets, how would you create an image with a per-pixel alpha channel?
(that is, not a surface alpha-channel with SDL_SetAlpha.)
I.e. if I’ve already opened an image plus a grey-scale mask image with
SDL_image, then composited them together, how would I alter the format
to accommodate the alpha-components of the pixels?
Any links or source would be appreciated, thanks!


I dont know what’s happening, but I have a long time for not receiving mail. I try to resubscribing but it dont work!
Would you check it for me and solve this problem? thanks a lot.

I found an email about this same error in the archives, but no one
responded to it. Wondering if anyone can help me out. On make:

/libSDL.lax/libhermes.al/mmxp2_32.lo: bad reloc address 0x87 in section



Ok, I actually did solve the problem about a week ago,and did post the
solution, but it may have slipped by rather unnoticed.
Here’s the link:
http://www.libsdl.org/pipermail/sdl/2003-December/058364.html> ----- Original Message -----

From: tw2004@columbia.edu (Tao Wang)
Sent: Saturday, December 13, 2003 7:19 AM
Subject: [SDL] (no subject)

I found an email about this same error in the archives, but no one
responded to it. Wondering if anyone can help me out. On make:

/libSDL.lax/libhermes.al/mmxp2_32.lo: bad reloc address 0x87 in section



SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
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could anyone help me with this code:
int end=0;
Uint8 *keys;

while(!end) {
if(keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] == SDL_PRESSED) end=1;

[…] when i compile it using VC6 the loop ends after pressing ESC, but
under Linux where i use gcc 3.2 nothing happens. I also used examples from
libsdl.org but they didn’t work either.

I don’t know if it does any matter but i’m using Gentoo 1.4 with kernel

Regards Chris

k_32 at klub.chip.pl wrote:

could anyone help me with this code:
int end=0;
Uint8 *keys;

while(!end) {
if(keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] == SDL_PRESSED) end=1;

[…] when i compile it using VC6 the loop ends after pressing ESC, but
under Linux where i use gcc 3.2 nothing happens. I also used examples from
libsdl.org but they didn’t work either.

I don’t know if it does any matter but i’m using Gentoo 1.4 with kernel

Regards Chris

SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org

This will work if you first use SDL_Init() and SDL_SetVideoMode() and
then focus the mouse cursor on the new window.–

i dont know if that is a bug or something, but when i use
SDL_GL_GetProcAddress the return function only work one time, at least that
happens with glMultiTexCoord2fARB, when i try to render 2 polygons with
multitexturing only render the first polygon, and the second its a white
polygon, te problem? SDL_GL_GetProcAddress y change it for wglGetProcAddress
and it works fine_________________________________________________________________
Charla con tus amigos en l?nea mediante MSN Messenger:

This will work if you first use SDL_Init() and SDL_SetVideoMode() and
then focus the mouse cursor on the new window.

The whole code of this simple program is:

#include “SDL.h”

int main(){

int end=0;
Uint8 *keys;
SDL_Surface *screen;

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,16,0);
while(!end) {
if(keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] == SDL_PRESSED) end=1;
return 0;


So i use SDL_Init but it still doesn’t work, anyone know why?

Regard Chris

k_32 at klub.chip.pl wrote:

This will work if you first use SDL_Init() and SDL_SetVideoMode() and
then focus the mouse cursor on the new window.

The whole code of this simple program is:

#include “SDL.h”

Change to
#include <SDL.h>

int main(){

int end=0;
Uint8 *keys;
SDL_Surface *screen;

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640,480,16,0);
while(!end) {
if(keys[SDLK_ESCAPE] == SDL_PRESSED) end=1;
return 0;


So i use SDL_Init but it still doesn’t work, anyone know why?

I think you said that you use Linux, so compile like this
(where t.c is the name of the source code file):
gcc -I- -I/usr/include/SDL t.c -lSDL> Regard Chris

SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org

Douglas Jerome