Thread issues

benang at wrote:

Okay, now it gets weirder. When I straced it again (and again, and again
until the problem occurs), it crashed. The previous error message didn’t
show up.

Ok, but what was in the strace log?

  • Tom wrote:

Okay, now it gets weirder. When I straced it again (and again, and again
until the problem occurs), it crashed. The previous error message didn’t
show up.

Ok, but what was in the strace log?

  • Tom

SDL mailing list
SDL at

The problem has been solved (or at least I think it has because the
problem didn’t show up in a long time). But the funny thing is I just did
some minor change.

In my application, the thread is like this:

void CMainApp::eventThread()
/// @todo implement me
go(); //Event handler
//The code below is the source of the problem
if (mStateNow==TRANSISI)
if (mSceneMgr->animasiGetState()==ANIM_STOP)



The problematic code’s function is checking whether the animation in the
main thread finished or not. But when I moved that code to the main thread
(just before the draw() function but still in the drawing loop), it didn’t
produce problem anymore.

BTW, I have another question. But this time is about some application
design, not about an error. I’ll put it into another topic.

Thanks alot.