Animation while dragging the window?

Does anyone know if my SDL application can continue its animation while the application window is being dragged by the user? If so, please point me in the right direction. Currently, everything stops. This is in Windows SDL 1.2.7.

–Warren Schwader

That’s a bug (or incredibly stupid feature) of the Windows window
manager. Windows hijacks the event loop while the user is holding on
to the window title bar.

Two ways around it:

1) Use borderless windows and implement your own
   window manager, WinAmp style.

2) Use an extra thread for rendering, and use the
   "window thread" only for handling messages related
   to the window.

Dunno if there’s much you can do under SDL without hacking your SDL
lib, though…

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

.- Audiality -----------------------------------------------.
| Free/Open Source audio engine for games and multimedia. |
| MIDI, modular synthesis, real time effects, scripting,… |
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http://olofson.net —On Friday 27 February 2004 10.47, Warren Schwader wrote:

Does anyone know if my SDL application can continue its animation
while the application window is being dragged by the user? If so,
please point me in the right direction. Currently, everything
stops. This is in Windows SDL 1.2.7.

Thanks David. Suggestion #1 is not an option for me. For #2 - Doesn’t the
rendering and updating of the screen have to be done in the main thread?

Warren Schwader> ----- Original Message -----

From: (David Olofson)
Sent: Tuesday, March 02, 2004 5:27 AM
Subject: Re: [SDL] animation while dragging the window?

On Friday 27 February 2004 10.47, Warren Schwader wrote:

Does anyone know if my SDL application can continue its animation
while the application window is being dragged by the user? If so,
please point me in the right direction. Currently, everything
stops. This is in Windows SDL 1.2.7.

That’s a bug (or incredibly stupid feature) of the Windows window
manager. Windows hijacks the event loop while the user is holding on
to the window title bar.

Two ways around it:

  1. Use borderless windows and implement your own
    window manager, WinAmp style.

  2. Use an extra thread for rendering, and use the
    "window thread" only for handling messages related
    to the window.

Dunno if there’s much you can do under SDL without hacking your SDL
lib, though…

//David Olofson - Programmer, Composer, Open Source Advocate

.- Audiality -----------------------------------------------.
| Free/Open Source audio engine for games and multimedia. |
| MIDI, modular synthesis, real time effects, scripting,… |
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