Announcing sdljava 0.9.0

Hello everyone,

I’m happy to announce the release of sdljava 0.9.0! sdljava is a
binding to the SDL API for java.

You can find it here:

sdljava provides a complete binding to all the SDL API functions.
Almost the entire binding has been implemented. Please see the TODO
for a list of what is still pending.

Required/Recommended Libraries: (higher version should be fine)

 - Java 1.5
 - SDL 1.2.7
 - SDL_image 1.2.3 (optional)
 - SDL_mixer 1.2.5 (optional)
 - SDL_ttf 2.0.6   (optional)
 - SDL_gfx 2.0.13  (optional)
 - Ant 1.6.2       (optional, only if you need to compile
 - ruby 1.8.2      (optional, only if you want to re-generate
           native layer)
 - SWIG 1.3.22     (optional, only if you want to re-generate
           native layer)

Please let me know any questions, comments or feedback. I hope you
will find this useful!
