Best video playback library for SDL?

What is the simplest video playback library available for SDL? I’ve tried SDL_ffmpeg but its a bit too complicated for my tastes. Is there any higher-level library?


there’s one with pygame… but that’s python unfortunately. Well, it’s
written in C as a python module. So you might be able to extract it… but
I guess not as simple as SDL_ffmpeg because of that.

The easiest way to use it is like this:
movie = Movie(movie_file)

It should be in the next released version of pygame. There’s also a VLC
backend for if machines do not have ffmpeg installed - but I don’t think
that backend is as well tested(yet).

It was written by Tyler as a gsoc project.

cheers!On Sun, Oct 4, 2009 at 8:54 PM, UrbenLegend <ben.r.xiao at> wrote:

What is the simplest video playback library available for SDL? I’ve tried
SDL_ffmpeg but its a bit too complicated for my tastes. Is there any
higher-level library?