Bugzilla now available!

My mythical “TODO list” is now publically available; I have moved
everything to a public bug tracker.

Point your web browser here:


We are accepting bug reports (“video is hosed with DOUBLEBUF”), feature
requests (“I want the clipboard accessible from SDL”), and patches
(“here’s a fix for…”) at this bug tracker. You can keep using the
mailing list for this as usual, and I’ll try to move them to bugzilla as
I have been, but I’m likely to miss some. Making use of bugzilla
directly is the best way to make sure that developments that interest
you don’t fall through the cracks.

If there’s something you’ve been talking about on this list in the past
few months and it’s not in bugzilla right now, it means I missed it or
forgot about it. This is a good time to get your voice heard!

Issues with the bug tracker itself can be reported to me directly. It
should work, but like any new thing, we’ll probably tweak it over the
next few days.


Ryan, thank you very much for setting up and maintaining this!
(In case anybody missed it, Ryan’s been handling much of the
patching and question answering for 1.2.10)

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Senior Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

Rock on!

-bill!On Tue, Jan 03, 2006 at 06:24:02PM -0500, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

My mythical “TODO list” is now publically available; I have moved
everything to a public bug tracker.

get a link to it on the front page ?
-mikeOn Tuesday 03 January 2006 18:24, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

Issues with the bug tracker itself can be reported to me directly. It
should work, but like any new thing, we’ll probably tweak it over the
next few days.

Looks like the security certificate is for icculus.org, which causes all
kinds of warnings in Firefox.On 1/3/06, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

My mythical “TODO list” is now publically available; I have moved
everything to a public bug tracker.

Point your web browser here:


We are accepting bug reports (“video is hosed with DOUBLEBUF”), feature
requests (“I want the clipboard accessible from SDL”), and patches
(“here’s a fix for…”) at this bug tracker. You can keep using the
mailing list for this as usual, and I’ll try to move them to bugzilla as
I have been, but I’m likely to miss some. Making use of bugzilla
directly is the best way to make sure that developments that interest
you don’t fall through the cracks.

If there’s something you’ve been talking about on this list in the past
few months and it’s not in bugzilla right now, it means I missed it or
forgot about it. This is a good time to get your voice heard!

Issues with the bug tracker itself can be reported to me directly. It
should work, but like any new thing, we’ll probably tweak it over the
next few days.


SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org


PGP: http://revvy.box43.net/Josh_Matthews.asc

Josh Matthews wrote:

Looks like the security certificate is for icculus.org
http://icculus.org, which causes all kinds of warnings in Firefox.

Well, it causes a warning, not “all kinds”, but this can’t be fixed;
you can’t use a unique SSL cert on a virtual host, and I don’t think
it’s worth paying for one for the bugtracker anyhow.


Issues with the bug tracker itself can be reported to me directly. It
should work, but like any new thing, we’ll probably tweak it over the
next few days.

get a link to it on the front page ?

Good idea. Sam, can you do that when you get a moment?

Also, Mike, while I have your attention, can you tell me if these
patches are still a good idea (and if any ever got committed):



Hello !

Looks like the security certificate is for icculus.org
http://icculus.org, which causes all kinds of warnings in Firefox.

Well, it causes a warning, not “all kinds”, but this can’t be fixed;
you can’t use a unique SSL cert on a virtual host, and I don’t think
it’s worth paying for one for the bugtracker anyhow.

Ah bugzilla.libsdl.org is installed on icculus.org
That explains it.