Clipping not working

HI !
I am programing a game which runs with a resolution of 1024x768 (VESA
FRAMEBUFFER & X11) and got two problems.
Clipping doesn’t work. If the surface moves out of the screen it sudently
disapears. I don’t know why but could this be a SDL Bug ?

I want to use SDL_Flip(screen) but when i set the Videomode with
SDL_HWSURFACE and SDL_DOUBLEBUF and later check the DOUBLEBUF - flag, it is disabled.
I tried the program on some different graphic-cards (ASUS V3800 RIVA TNT 2,
ATI MACH64, and some old) and i think this cards should support

Is pageflipping only memory dependent or are there any other conditions ?
How do i calculate how much memory i will need ?

A lot of questions ?
Hope there is no silly one.

a big Thanks !–
Sent through GMX FreeMail -

gamsta at wrote:

I want to use SDL_Flip(screen) but when i set the Videomode with
SDL_HWSURFACE and SDL_DOUBLEBUF and later check the DOUBLEBUF - flag, it is disabled.
I tried the program on some different graphic-cards (ASUS V3800 RIVA TNT 2,
ATI MACH64, and some old) and i think this cards should support

Is pageflipping only memory dependent or are there any other conditions ?
How do i calculate how much memory i will need ?

I quote :

"Maybe this needs to be placed on the front page of the SDL website, as
many times as it’s been asked in the last month on this list. :slight_smile:

SDL does not currently support hardware under X11. That will be available
when Sam gets the time to code support for DGA 2.0 (XFree86 4.0)"

That I don’t understant is why Sam remove DGA 1.0. meanwhile.–
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       LIOULT Florent
     Universit? de Caen

HI !
I am programing a game which runs with a resolution of 1024x768 (VESA
FRAMEBUFFER & X11) and got two problems.
Clipping doesn’t work. If the surface moves out of the screen it sudently
disapears. I don’t know why but could this be a SDL Bug ?
SDL_BlitSurface(SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Rect *srcrect, SDL_Surface *dest,
SDL_Rect *destrct);
Don’t assume that the valuse in srcrect and destrect will be the same
before and after the blit call.

Long live the confused,
Akawaka.On Tue, 28 Mar 2000 gamsta at wrote:

Bother, said Pooh, as the vice squad took his GIFS.

That I don’t understant is why Sam remove DGA 1.0. meanwhile.

It was completely incompatible with the new non-root fullscreen code.

-Sam Lantinga				(slouken at

Lead Programmer, Loki Entertainment Software–
“Any sufficiently advanced bug is indistinguishable from a feature”
– Rich Kulawiec