Creating a cube in SDL


So I’m trying to switch this cool SFML project to SDL and I’m not exactly sure if it’s possible.

All I’m trying to do at the moment is just make an isometric cube. I thought I could do it using SDL_Vertex and SDL_RenderGeometry, but I’m not sure if I can do it without OpenGL.

Here is where I started.

void AddCube(Vector2f position, float size, SDL_Color color, Vector2f texCoords) {
    size /= 2.0f;

   SDL_Vertex v[6] =
     { SDL_FPoint{-size, 0.0f} + position,         color, SDL_FPoint(texCoords.x, texCoords.y) },
     { SDL_FPoint{size, 0.0f} + position,         color, SDL_FPoint(texCoords.x,   texCoords.y) },
     { SDL_FPoint{size, size * 2.0f} + position,         color, SDL_FPoint(texCoords.x,   texCoords.y)   },
     { SDL_FPoint{-size, 0.0f} + position,         color, SDL_FPoint(texCoords.x, texCoords.y) },
     { SDL_FPoint{-size, size * 2.0f} + position,         color, SDL_FPoint(texCoords.x, texCoords.y)	 },
     { SDL_FPoint{size, size * 2.0f} + position,         color, SDL_FPoint(texCoords.x,   texCoords.y)	 },

   for (uint32_t i = 0; i < 6; i++) {

   SDL_SetRenderDrawColor(renderer, 0, 0, 0, SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE);

        SDL_RenderGeometry(renderer, nullptr,, m_Vertices.size(), nullptr, 0);

PS: All I get is a red square.

I watched viedo about this project, and despite this function is called “AddCube” it actuall creates square, author of this project explained that he created squares with texture of isometric cube on them, so it is cheaper for GPU to render