Curiosity about SDL

Sorry for the delay.
So, I’m not interested in that.
Basically I had a problem with the size of many screens in android and this curiosity about sdl maybe could find a solution.
Sorry for my bad English, sometimes I think that what I write doesn’t do sense hahahaha ???
Viva o bom e velho portugu??s brasileiro!------------------------
My project

Well I don’t know if SDL manages the resolution automatically, or you have to use SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize (I still have some problem building my game to Android target :P). You could also use the render target as well.

However, apart from the resolutions, you’d be encountered with the ‘aspect ratio’ problem as well. If your game is designed around 16:9, it won’t fit in 4:3 screen, for example. I think you’d still have to figure out how to manage this, may be adding the letterbox, may be using safe frame (which means the contents outside certain area are not important and can be cropped away when there’s not space). You probably have to keep this in mind.

First, yes, I use SDL_RenderSetLogicalSize heavily to deal with
fitting the content to the screen in the easiest way possible. I
highly recommend it.

It currently always letterboxes your screen to fit.

I have a proposal/patch called “overscan”. It works with
SDL_RendererGetLogicalSize as a new SDL_SetHint so you can instead
fill the screen instead of letterboxing. So you might lose stuff on
the edges due to aspect ratio…but if you have a design that can
tolerate losing screen edge information, it looks better since it
fills the whole screen.

This was my submission link.

Though it recently came to my attention that it doesn’t work correctly
with Direct3D mode. I still need to dig into that.

EricOn 2/24/16, mr_tawan <mr_tawan at> wrote:

Well I don’t know if SDL manages the resolution automatically, or you have
to use SDL_RenderGetLogicalSize (I still have some problem building my game
to Android target :P). You could also use the render target as well.

However, apart from the resolutions, you’d be encountered with the ‘aspect
ratio’ problem as well. If your game is designed around 16:9, it won’t fit
in 4:3 screen, for example. I think you’d still have to figure out how to
manage this, may be adding the letterbox, may be using safe frame (which
means the contents outside certain area are not important and can be cropped
away when there’s not space). You probably have to keep this in mind.