Disabling game booster and other tweaks for SDL3 battery longevity on android

I’ve very recently started using sdl3, and it’s lovely!
but I am working on a drawing app for android and windows and linux, and I can already see a big issue on android, which is game boost.

If the claims on the annoying pop up are to be believed, it kills background apps, turns up the clock of the cpu (presumably switches the linux sheduler) and switches my screens refreshrate to 160fps.

none of which is great for keeping your device running for as ling as possible, esp when the name of the game is longevity, and the app really needs to do any processing, only when user is interacting with it.

Is there a way to turn this off from the side of the app developer?
And also what would be some tweaks I should keep in mind when making an app that is idle most of the time?

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The best way would be to only call SDL_RenderPresent() when something changes.

There are also plenty of ways to limit the frame rate.