As far as I know, SDL3 doesn’t provide the ability to control the position and size of a window while resizing it. Many people need something like this and complain about the lack of such a feature — myself included.
The Win32 API has messages for this, delivered to the window procedure. The main ones are the WM_SIZING and WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGING messages, which provide information about which window edge is being resized, as well as a pointer to the window area structure, which can be modified on the application side to control the process of stretching or moving the window.
Random usage example: Maintain Aspect Ratio in Windows API.
Something like this could be implemented as a simple callback that would allow manipulation of the window area. SDL has long supported a hit test callback, SDL_HitTest, which can be registered with SDL_SetWindowHitTest. Why shouldn’t we have a callback to the window size control?
@slouken, @icculus: what do you think about it?
Edit: a long time ago I’ve checked this workaround and it works but still, this is harder to use and not portable. A dedicated callback would be much more friendly to the SDL users.