Frameworks and Xcode


Having decided it was easier to build Universal Binaries of my games
using Xcode than it was to fart about with a makefile, I decided to
make use of SDL.framework and SDL_mixer.framework… except I found
that the headers inside SDL_mixer.framework all include SDL as if it
was in a UNIX environment. To get a working compile I had to modify
the headers to #include <SDL/SDL.h> etc…

Is this normal, or am I not setting up something correctly in Xcode?–
Best regards,
Peter mailto:@Peter_Mulholland

1.) In my experience, building UB’s is very easy with makefiles. For
my app, it was simply
CFLAGS+=-arch i386 -arch ppc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
LDFLAGS+=-arch i386 -arch ppc -isysroot /Developer/SDKs/MacOSX10.4u.sdk
But I suppose your application may have more complex requirements/
behavior that mine does not.

2.) Probably an easier way to fix this than modifying the headers
would have been to select Project->Edit Active Target from the menu,
then GCC Compiler Settings, and then specifying -I/Frameworks/
SDL.framework/Headers -I/Frameworks/SDL_mixer.framework/Headers. I
think this is actually more or less what the SDL project template for
Xcode does.

spencerOn Sep 21, 2006, at 8:31 AM, Peter Mulholland wrote:


Having decided it was easier to build Universal Binaries of my games
using Xcode than it was to fart about with a makefile, I decided to
make use of SDL.framework and SDL_mixer.framework… except I found
that the headers inside SDL_mixer.framework all include SDL as if it
was in a UNIX environment. To get a working compile I had to modify
the headers to #include <SDL/SDL.h> etc…

Is this normal, or am I not setting up something correctly in Xcode?

Best regards,
Peter mailto:darkmatter at

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