Fullscreen problem

Hi, I’m a newbie so I may ask a silly question. Sorry…
I initialyse my video display with : Screen = Sdl_Setvideomode(W, H,
Info->Vfmt->Bitsperpixel, Sdl_Hwsurface|Sdl_Fullscreen);
where W = 640; H = 480;
but I don’t have a sreen in 640*480, I only get a image surrounded by
What should I do to get a screen with this resolution?

I have another silly question : I chose a SDL_Hwsurface. Do I have to
call the SDL_UpdateRect() fonction to update my screen or can I write
directly to the screen? (at the moment I use another surface on which I
write then I do a copy with the SDL_BlitSurface() function and I call
SDL_UpdateRect but I wonder if I could do this faster…)


Make sure you have the resolution 640x480 defined in your XF86Config.On Wed, 8 Mar 2000, olivier rousset wrote:

Hi, I’m a newbie so I may ask a silly question. Sorry…
I initialyse my video display with : Screen = Sdl_Setvideomode(W, H,
Info->Vfmt->Bitsperpixel, Sdl_Hwsurface|Sdl_Fullscreen);
where W = 640; H = 480;
but I don’t have a sreen in 640*480, I only get a image surrounded by
What should I do to get a screen with this resolution?

Long live the confused,

Bother! said Pooh, and reinstalled TLX Tag-X Pro v1.20.