Get mouse position relative to game world?

I’m pretty new to SDL so this may be a really obvious question, but I was wondering how I could get the mouse position relative to the game world? SDL_GetMouseState(x,y) returns the position relative to the window.
If there’s not a function, is there some math formula I could use?

2D or 3D? Please provide some more detail about what you’re trying to do.

It’s 2D. I need to figure out the angle that a bullet sprite should be set to in order to move in the proper direction. The player aims with the mouse, and I need to find the distance between the player’s sprite and the cursor in order to get the proper angle.

Just a few minutes ago, I did realize that since the player’s sprite is always in the very center of the screen, I could simply check the distance from the mouse to the center of the screen.

Here’s a screenshot using the above method. It doesn’t work perfectly just yet, but I think I know how to fix it.

I have some classes in my engine to help with that.

The basic formula you can use is something like.

mouse_v_pos = Matrix::Transform(mouse_real_pos,Matrix::Invert(get_camera_transformation()))

mouse_v_pos is a Vector2, pretty much a class with X, Y. Matrix is the class that holds transformations.

To generate your camera Matrix

Matrix get_camera_transformation()

		Matrix::CreateTranslation(pos.X,-pos.Y, 0) *
		Matrix::CreateScale(camera_zoom, camera_zoom, 1)*						
		Matrix::CreateTranslation(camera_origin.X,camera_origin.Y, 0);


Matrix functions needed

class Matrix
	Matrix(void){ }
	virtual ~Matrix(void){ }

	float M11;
	float M12;
	float M13;
	float M14;
	float M21;
	float M22;
	float M23;
	float M24;
	float M31;
	float M32;
	float M33;
	float M34;
	float M41;
	float M42;
	float M43;
	float M44;

static Matrix Identity() 
			return Matrix(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
						  0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 
						  0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 
						  0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f); 

static Matrix CreateTranslation(const float xPosition, const float yPosition, const float zPosition)
			Matrix returnMatrix = Matrix::Identity();

			returnMatrix.M41 = xPosition;
			returnMatrix.M42 = yPosition;
			returnMatrix.M43 = zPosition;

			return returnMatrix;

static Matrix CreateScale(float scale)
			Matrix returnMatrix = Matrix::Identity();

			returnMatrix.M11 = scale;
			returnMatrix.M22 = scale;
			returnMatrix.M33 = scale;

			return returnMatrix;

static Matrix Multiply(const Matrix matrix1, const Matrix matrix2)
			Matrix result;
			result.M11 = matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M11 + matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M21 + matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M31 + matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M41;
			result.M12 = matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M12 + matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M22 + matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M32 + matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M42;
			result.M13 = matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M13 + matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M23 + matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M33 + matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M43;
			result.M14 = matrix1.M11 * matrix2.M14 + matrix1.M12 * matrix2.M24 + matrix1.M13 * matrix2.M34 + matrix1.M14 * matrix2.M44;

			result.M21 = matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M11 + matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M21 + matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M31 + matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M41;
			result.M22 = matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M12 + matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M22 + matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M32 + matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M42;
			result.M23 = matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M13 + matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M23 + matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M33 + matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M43;
			result.M24 = matrix1.M21 * matrix2.M14 + matrix1.M22 * matrix2.M24 + matrix1.M23 * matrix2.M34 + matrix1.M24 * matrix2.M44;

			result.M31 = matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M11 + matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M21 + matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M31 + matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M41;
			result.M32 = matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M12 + matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M22 + matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M32 + matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M42;
			result.M33 = matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M13 + matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M23 + matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M33 + matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M43;
			result.M34 = matrix1.M31 * matrix2.M14 + matrix1.M32 * matrix2.M24 + matrix1.M33 * matrix2.M34 + matrix1.M34 * matrix2.M44;

			result.M41 = matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M11 + matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M21 + matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M31 + matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M41;
			result.M42 = matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M12 + matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M22 + matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M32 + matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M42;
			result.M43 = matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M13 + matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M23 + matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M33 + matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M43;
			result.M44 = matrix1.M41 * matrix2.M14 + matrix1.M42 * matrix2.M24 + matrix1.M43 * matrix2.M34 + matrix1.M44 * matrix2.M44;         
			return result;

static Vector2 Transform(const Vector2& position, const Matrix& matrix)
            return Vector2((position.X * matrix.M11) + (position.Y * matrix.M21) + matrix.M41,
                                  (position.X * matrix.M12) + (position.Y * matrix.M22) + matrix.M42);        

Matrix operator *(Matrix matrix)
			return Matrix::Multiply(*this, matrix);

I hope this helps