Getting out of continuous loop

I thought this code would exit the loop when up arrow is pressed - but it does not. What am I doing wrong? TIA. Bill S.

#include <SDL2/SDL.h>
#include <stdio.h>

int main()

const Uint8 *state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
while (!(state[SDL_SCANCODE_UP]))
printf(“just burning time in a loop \n”);
printf(" is pressed.\n");

When in doubt, check the docs
Docs say you need to be calling SDL_PumpEvents(); to properly use
SDL_GetKeyboardState. SDL_PumpEvents is also called inside
SDL_PollEvent(), which you’d want if you want to deal with OS-leve events.

-AlexOn Wed, Mar 4, 2015 at 6:25 PM, bilsch01 wrote:

I thought this code would exit the loop when up arrow is pressed - but
it does not. What am I doing wrong? TIA. Bill S.


int main()

const Uint8 *state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);
while (!(state[SDL_SCANCODE_UP]))
printf(“just burning time in a loop \n”);
printf(" is pressed.\n");

SDL mailing list
SDL at

The docs are a struggle for me. I dont have a feel for this kind of programming. Can you tell me do I need SDL_Pump and SDL_Poll in each iteration of the loop?

Yes to each iteration of the loop. Unless you are dealing with “special” circumstances, you should probably stick with using just SDL_Poll. (Note that SDL_Poll calls SDL_PumpEvents internally, so no need to call both).

Jeffrey Carpenter
@Jeffrey_Carpenter> On Mar 4, 2015, at 20:31, bilsch01 wrote:

The docs are a struggle for me. I dont have a feel for this kind of programming. Can you tell me do I need SDL_Pump and SDL_Poll in each iteration of the loop?

SDL mailing list
SDL at

Sorry, didn?t read through the whole thread until just now ?

With SDL_GetKeyboardState, yes, you should call SDL_PumpEvents first during each iteration of the loop.

Jeffrey Carpenter <@Jeffrey_Carpenter>

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You forgot to put
state = SDL_GetKeyboardState(NULL);

INSIDE the loop code.------------------------