How do collide rotated graphics?

// Hi hello, I need to click on rotate texture instead of rectangle R what do I do?

    SDL_Point p = { 100,100};
	SDL_Rect r = { 100,100,60,100 };
	sp.x = rw.x;
	sp.y = rw.y;
	SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer,  texture, NULL, &r, 50, &p, SDL_FLIP_NONE);
	if (SDL_HasIntersection(&r, &mouse_rect)) {
		SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, texture2, NULL, &r, 50, &p, SDL_FLIP_NONE);




This is the code I use for detecting if a point lies inside a rotated rectangle:

+(BOOL)isPoint:(struct UXPOINT)pt			// ptA, ptB and ptD define a rectangle
	   WithinA:(struct UXPOINT)ptA
	   WithinB:(struct UXPOINT)ptB
	   WithinD:(struct UXPOINT)ptD
	float	bax, bay, dax, day;
	bax = ptB.x - ptA.x;
	bay = ptB.y - ptA.y;
	dax = ptD.x - ptA.x;
	day = ptD.y - ptA.y;

	if ((pt.x - ptA.x) * bax + (pt.y - ptA.y) * bay < 0.0) return FALSE;
	if ((pt.x - ptB.x) * bax + (pt.y - ptB.y) * bay > 0.0) return FALSE;
	if ((pt.x - ptA.x) * dax + (pt.y - ptA.y) * day < 0.0) return FALSE;
	if ((pt.x - ptD.x) * dax + (pt.y - ptD.y) * day > 0.0) return FALSE;

	return TRUE;

It’s in Objective C but it’s easy to convert to C. My UXPOINT is just a struct of an x and y float