How expensive is SDL_SetWindowSize() processing wise?

I’m on Linux Mint and SDL_GetWindowSize() returns the wrong values. This same thing happened when I tried using another library (SFML) so I guess this problem has to do with the Desktop Environment of Linux Mint.
In order to resize the window correctly I have to call the function every frame in order to prevent giving a wrong value. How expensive is this processing wise? Will this affect the performance of my game?

Not sure this will help you, but I remember this was slow, indeed. The trick consisted in catch the window event happening when resizing, and use event.window.data1 (giving width), and event.window.data2 (giving height).

Not sure this is a clean solution, be below what I’m using, and it is really faster:

e.g. (see: Sources/src/Application/engine.cpp · master · Eric Bachard / miniDart · GitLab and Sources/inc/engine.hpp · master · Eric Bachard / miniDart · GitLab for the details ):

            switch (event.type) 
                case SDL_WINDOWEVENT:
                        case SDL_WINDOWEVENT_RESIZED:

                            // faster than SDL_GetWindowSize(window, &currentWidth, &currentHeight);


                case SDL_DROPFILE: