How to catch mouse wheel events?


How do I catch a mouse-wheel up/down event ? Does SDL support this ? Or is
there any other work around for this problem ?


Hi all, these tested snippets might be very helpful to convert any surface
to 8 bit Indexed, given a common shared palette. SDL’s algo
SDL_DisplayFormat() is speed optimized but severely damages quality. These
are quality optimized, lacks speed. Feel free to use / post:)


//pre-computed shared palette
SDL_Color Palette[256];

//load precomputed shared palette in Palette[]
//Macromedia Fireworks does a great job of computing optimized shared

palette from several images :slight_smile:

//returns the closest index into the shared palette for a given r,g,b color
Uint32 FindClosestIndex(unsigned char r,unsigned char g, unsigned char b)
	int MinDistance=0xFFFFFF; //init to large value
	Uint32 Index=0;

	//find index with minimum spatial distance to given r,g,b
	for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)
		int Distance = (int(Palette[i].r)-int(r))*(int(Palette[i].r)-int(r))

		if (MinDistance>Distance)
			if (MinDistance==0) break; //colour match !!

	return Index;

//converts any surface -> 8 bit indexed, using shared palette
//quality optimized but slow
//uses FindClosestIndex(..)
//also uses putpixel(..) and getpixel(..) from SDL docs
//returns NULL on error

SDL_Surface *ConvertTo8BitIndexed(SDL_Surface *Source)
	//create 8 bit surface


	//error ?
	if (Dest==NULL) return Dest;

	for (int y=0; y<Source->h; ++y)
		for (int x=0;x<Source->w;++x)
			Uint32 Pixel=getpixel(Source, x, y);
			unsigned char r,g,b;


	return Dest;

How do I catch a mouse-wheel up/down event ? Does SDL support this
? Or is there any other work around for this problem ?

On most (all ?) mice, button 4 are wheel up, and button 5 are wheel
down. So just check for those.–

Linux User #229006 *