How to make SDL_AndroidGetExternal/InternalStoragePath return app specific folders

Hi everybody.

I’m sorry if this is already documented somewhere, I can’t seem to find it…

I use SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath to download some extra assets for my app.

  • I renamed my app in AndroidManifest.xml from to
  • I set the activity from SDLActivity to MyGameActivity
  • I created java/com/test/game/ which imports and extends SDLActivity.

When I call SDL_AndroidGetExternalStoragePath I’d expect to get something like
but I get

as if I didn’t rename the app at all.

This is undesirable, as it will mix my downloaded resources with all stuff written by other SDL apps.

Probably I forgot to change a to somewhere?


I think I solved it. It’s nowhere in any readme but you also need to change the default project to be built in


I’ll leave this message here for future reference as I have been scratching my head for hours before I found this last occurence of that needed changing.