How to peek a message posted to the SDL window

I’m posting a message to the SDL window but I don’t know how to peek this

hr = pME->SetNotifyWindow((OAHWND)m_hWnd, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, 0); 

This function belongs to a DirectShow interface, it posts

WM_GRAPHNOTIFY messages to the m_hWnd (which is a SDL window handle
obtained with the SDL_GetWMInfo function).

WM_GRAPHNOTIFY (= WM_APP+1) is the only event the system will

handle. I need a way to periodically (not forever) check if this message is
in the queue.

I will be very gratefull if someone could help me.
Thanks in advance


Maruri Leire escribi?:

I’m posting a message to the SDL window but I don’t know how to peek this

hr = pME->SetNotifyWindow((OAHWND)m_hWnd, WM_GRAPHNOTIFY, 0);

This function belongs to a DirectShow interface, it posts
WM_GRAPHNOTIFY messages to the m_hWnd (which is a SDL window handle
obtained with the SDL_GetWMInfo function).

WM_GRAPHNOTIFY (= WM_APP+1) is the only event the system will
handle. I need a way to periodically (not forever) check if this message is
in the queue.

You could use one of two ways to achieve this.

  1. Activate processing of system-dependant messages using
    SDL_EventState(SDL_SysWMEvent, SDL_ENABLE).
    That way, the message will be routed through your normal event processing

  2. Set your own event filtering routine using SDL_SetEventFilter(yourfunction)
    and, within it, process the message.
    This method is a bit harder but funny :slight_smile:
