Loading alpha-channeled PNGs?

Hi! ^^

I just subscribed to this mailing list in hopes someone here would be able
to help me (as I haven’t found a SDL forum yet). I’ve been trying to learn
SDL and so far so good, I’ve learnt how to put an image, animate a sprite,
change resolution… well, just basic stuff. Now, however, my sprites are in
PNG. Since there are black areas on it I choosed not to use SDL_SetColorKey.
Testing, I used it this way:

SDL_SetColorKey(temp, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(temp->format, 0, 0, 0));

It works, there’s no black border around it, but the black areas on the
sprite are transparent too! (well, that’s logical) I’m loading the PNG

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0001.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

loading sprite"); return 1; }

SDL_SetColorKey(temp, SDL_SRCCOLORKEY, SDL_MapRGB(temp->format, 0, 0,


mAnim[0].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

Somehow I’m missing something here. My question is: Anybody knows how to
load the PNG file, and use the Alpha channel as the transparency one, and
not a RGB 0,0,0 color key as if it was a plain 8-bit image?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

  • DARKGuy

Somehow I’m missing something here. My question is: Anybody knows how to
load the PNG file, and use the Alpha channel as the transparency one,
and not a RGB 0,0,0 color key as if it was a plain 8-bit image?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Just don’t use a color key…the PNG should retain its alpha channel in
the surface that IMG_Load() returns.


Hi! ^^

Thanks for answering :slight_smile:

Well something must be going wrong here then, look:

The image has alpha channel as you can notice in the PSP window, and in the
SDL, it doesn’t seem to get it. That’s what happens when I remove the
SDL_SetColorKey instruction. Any idea? =/On 9/13/06, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

Somehow I’m missing something here. My question is: Anybody knows how to
load the PNG file, and use the Alpha channel as the transparency one,
and not a RGB 0,0,0 color key as if it was a plain 8-bit image?

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

Just don’t use a color key…the PNG should retain its alpha channel in
the surface that IMG_Load() returns.


SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org

  • Alemar

The image has alpha channel as you can notice in the PSP window, and in
the SDL, it doesn’t seem to get it. That’s what happens when I remove
the SDL_SetColorKey instruction. Any idea? =/

Oh, you have to enable the alpha channel explicitly:

SDL_SetAlpha(mypngsurface, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);

If all you care about is getting rid of the black border, though, you’ll
want to use color key blitting, since it’s much faster: just pick a
color other than black (like, bright purple) that doesn’t appear in the
image, and convert the border from black to that color in PSP.


Hi ^^

Thanks again for the answer :slight_smile: however it didn’t seem to work =/ the black
border is there again.

Yeah, your suggestion is a good one and I could use it for the ship’s sprite
and other stuff, but how would I do when dealing with other transparent
stuff, such as explosions, “windows”, plasma and other eye-candy? the
checkered-pixel method is now obsolete :wink:

I’m gonna paste the whole source code… hope you don’t mind. Isn’t much
anyways, and it’s more of a test (following a tutorial and modifying it to
suit my needs) rather than a bare program, but here it goes (maybe the error
is in the blitting instructions? dunno :P)---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_image.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_mixer.h>

struct CSpriteFrame
SDL_Surface *image;

SDL_Surface *screen;
Mix_Music *cancion;

void InitAll()
printf(“SDLInit -> Error: %s\n”, SDL_GetError());

screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(640, 480, 16, SDL_HWSURFACE);
if (screen == NULL){
   printf("SDLInitVideoMode -> Error: %s\n", SDL_GetError());

if (Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 1024) == -1)
   printf("SDLInitAudio: %s\n", Mix_GetError());


int main(int argc, char *argv[])
SDL_Surface *temp;
SDL_Surface *bg;
SDL_Event event;
CSpriteFrame *mAnim;
int salir = 0;
int count = 0;
int count2 = 0;

SDL_WM_SetCaption("Star Solarian", NULL);

if((temp = IMG_Load("bg.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error cargando

imagen"); return 1; }
bg = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

mAnim = new CSpriteFrame[9];

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0001.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[0].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0002.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[1].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0003.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[2].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0004.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[3].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0005.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[4].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0006.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[5].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0007.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[6].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0008.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[7].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0009.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[8].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

if((temp = IMG_Load("sprites/ship0010.png")) == NULL){ printf("Error

cargando imagen"); return 1; }
SDL_SetAlpha(temp, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);
mAnim[9].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

while (! salir)
      SDL_Rect dest;

      dest.x = 0;
      dest.y = 0;
      SDL_BlitSurface(bg, NULL, screen, &dest);

      dest.x = 10;
      dest.y = 10;
      SDL_BlitSurface(mAnim[count].image, NULL, screen, &dest);
      if(count2>10){ count2=0; count=count+1; }
      if(count>9){ count=0; }

      SDL_UpdateRect(screen, 0, 0, 0, 0);

    if (event.type == SDL_QUIT){ salir = 1; }

return 0;


On 9/13/06, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

The image has alpha channel as you can notice in the PSP window, and in
the SDL, it doesn’t seem to get it. That’s what happens when I remove
the SDL_SetColorKey instruction. Any idea? =/

Oh, you have to enable the alpha channel explicitly:

SDL_SetAlpha(mypngsurface, SDL_SRCALPHA, 0xFF);

If all you care about is getting rid of the black border, though, you’ll
want to use color key blitting, since it’s much faster: just pick a
color other than black (like, bright purple) that doesn’t appear in the
image, and convert the border from black to that color in PSP.


SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org

  • Alemar


I think you might be losing your alpha channel here:

mAnim[0].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp); 

Try using SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp).–
Jukka-Pekka Manninen


IT WORKED!!! :smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :slight_smile: is so happy xD

Like, thanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanksthanks you all!
:smiley: ^^!!!On 9/13/06, Jukka-Pekka Manninen wrote:


I think you might be losing your alpha channel here:

mAnim[0].image = SDL_DisplayFormat(temp); SDL_FreeSurface(temp);

Try using SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha(temp).

*Jukka-Pekka Manninen

SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org