Multisampling in Mac OS X?


Recently I tried setting up multisampling in my OS X app and I’m having
trouble getting it to work. I realize it should be simple, and going
through the SDL source it seems like it’s setup properly, yet of course
I’m still not getting anything AA on my screen.


FSAA_SAMPLES being 2 or 4 in this case, I’ve tried both

and enabling AA right after I create the window being the first line in
my init():


Others have checked out my source and said it looks like it should work
so now I’m just wondering if multisampling is setup properly in OS X or

(PS, sorry about the font switch up, that kinda happens when I copy and
paste something in)

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Recently I tried setting up multisampling in my OS X app and I’m having
trouble getting it to work. I realize it should be simple, and going
through the SDL source it seems like it’s setup properly, yet of course
I’m still not getting anything AA on my screen.

It’s a pretty recent addition to SDL…perhaps your framework is too old?


Recently I tried setting up multisampling in my OS X app and I’m
having trouble getting it to work. I realize it should be simple,
and going through the SDL source it seems like it’s setup properly,
yet of course I’m still not getting anything AA on my screen.

It’s a pretty recent addition to SDL…perhaps your framework is too

I just downloaded the latest CVS snap (from Nov 18 I believe) and built
the framework, still nothing working :confused:

derek.arndtOn Nov 20, 2003, at 11:01 PM, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

Recently I tried setting up multisampling in my OS X app and I’m
having trouble getting it to work. I realize it should be simple,
and going through the SDL source it seems like it’s setup properly,
yet of course I’m still not getting anything AA on my screen.

It’s a pretty recent addition to SDL…perhaps your framework is too

I just downloaded the latest CVS snap (from Nov 18 I believe) and
built the framework, still nothing working :confused:

I’m wondering if I have to load in GL_ARB_multisample to use
multisampling in my app. I assumed I’d only have to set the attributes
for SDL and enable it from what I’ve been reading, but I could easily
be wrong. If I do need to load in the extension what would probably be
the best way to load it in OS X? (is there a good lib out there, or
simple code or something)

Thanks a bazillion

I’m wondering if I have to load in GL_ARB_multisample to use
multisampling in my app. I assumed I’d only have to set the attributes
for SDL and enable it from what I’ve been reading, but I could easily be
wrong. If I do need to load in the extension what would probably be the
best way to load it in OS X? (is there a good lib out there, or simple
code or something)

No, it works in UT2003 through SDL without any OSX-specific code. UT2003
is using a hacked up SDL…the code in CVS is based on that version of
SDL, but it’s possible something changed or broke along the way.

Post the code snippet where you’re using it, we’ll take a look. Only
thing I can think of off the top of my head is that you are setting the
GL attribute after calling SDL_SetVideoMode…everything after that is a
non-obvious bug…


Post the code snippet where you’re using it, we’ll take a look. Only
thing I can think of off the top of my head is that you are setting
the GL attribute after calling SDL_SetVideoMode…everything after
that is a non-obvious bug…

Here is my unmodified main() function below. Note I enable FSAA by
calling “glEnable(GL_MULTISAMPLE_ARB);” as the first function in init()
seen below.

Thanks so much,

int main( int argc, char *argv )
int videoFlags;
int done = FALSE;
this holds some info about our display */
const SDL_VideoInfo *videoInfo;
SDL_Joystick *joystick;

 /* initialize SDL */
     SDL_Init( SDL_INIT_VIDEO );

 /* Fetch the video info */
 videoInfo = SDL_GetVideoInfo( );

 if(!videoInfo) {
     fprintf( stderr, "Video query failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError( ) );

 /* the flags to pass to SDL_SetVideoMode */
 videoFlags  = SDL_OPENGL;          /* Enable OpenGL in SDL */
 videoFlags |= SDL_HWPALETTE;       /* Store the palette in hardware 

videoFlags |= SDL_FULLSCREEN;

 /* This checks to see if surfaces can be stored in memory */
 if ( videoInfo->hw_available )
videoFlags |= SDL_HWSURFACE;
videoFlags |= SDL_SWSURFACE;

 /* This checks if hardware blits can be done */
 if ( videoInfo->blit_hw )
videoFlags |= SDL_HWACCEL;

 // Initialize Joystick if necessary
     printf("%i joysticks were found.\n\n", SDL_NumJoysticks() );
     printf("The names of the joysticks are:\n");

     for( int i=0; i < SDL_NumJoysticks(); i++ )
         printf("    %s\n", SDL_JoystickName(i));

     printf("Using Joystick 0\n\n");

     joystick = SDL_JoystickOpen(0);

 SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE,   SCREEN_BPP );         // 

size of depth buffer
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_STENCIL_SIZE, 0 ); // we aren’t
going to use the stencil buffer
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_ACCUM_RED_SIZE, 0 ); // this and
the next three lines set the bits allocated per pixel -
SDL_GL_SetAttribute( SDL_GL_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE, 0 ); // - for the
accumulation buffer to 0

 if(FSAA) {						// bring on the anti-aliasing!
     printf("Using FSAA with %dx sampling\n\n", FSAA_SAMPLES);

 /* get a SDL surface */
 surface = SDL_SetVideoMode( SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, 

SCREEN_BPP, videoFlags );

 /* Verify there is a surface */
     fprintf( stderr,  "Video mode set failed: %s\n", SDL_GetError() 


 // Call all the intialization stuff...yes I said stuff...

 /* wait for events */
 while ( !done )
    /* handle the events in the queue */

    while ( SDL_PollEvent( &event ) )
	    switch( event.type )
		    handleKeyPress( &event.key.keysym );
                     case SDL_KEYUP:
                         handleKeyRelease( &event.key.keysym );   // 

callback for handling keystrokes, arg is key released
case SDL_JOYAXISMOTION: /* Handle Joystick
Motion /
handleJoystickMotion( &event.jaxis.axis,
&event.jaxis.value );
Handle Joystick
Button Presses */
if ( event.jbutton.button == 8 )
playerShip.smoking = 0;
playerShip.smoking = 1;
case SDL_QUIT:
done = TRUE;


 /* clean ourselves up and exit */

 /* Should never get here */

}On Dec 3, 2003, at 8:04 AM, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

I’m wondering if I have to load in GL_ARB_multisample to use
multisampling in my app. I assumed I’d only have to set the
attributes for SDL and enable it from what I’ve been reading, but I
could easily be wrong. If I do need to load in the extension what
would probably be the best way to load it in OS X? (is there a good
lib out there, or simple code or something)

No, it works in UT2003 through SDL without any OSX-specific code.
UT2003 is using a hacked up SDL…the code in CVS is based on that
version of SDL, but it’s possible something changed or broke along the

Post the code snippet where you’re using it, we’ll take a look. Only
thing I can think of off the top of my head is that you are setting
the GL attribute after calling SDL_SetVideoMode…everything after
that is a non-obvious bug…


SDL mailing list
SDL at

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I’m wondering if I have to load in GL_ARB_multisample to use
multisampling in my app. I assumed I’d only have to set the
attributes for SDL and enable it from what I’ve been reading, but I
could easily be wrong. If I do need to load in the extension what
would probably be the best way to load it in OS X? (is there a good
lib out there, or simple code or something)

No, it works in UT2003 through SDL without any OSX-specific code.
UT2003 is using a hacked up SDL…the code in CVS is based on that
version of SDL, but it’s possible something changed or broke along the

Post the code snippet where you’re using it, we’ll take a look. Only
thing I can think of off the top of my head is that you are setting
the GL attribute after calling SDL_SetVideoMode…everything after
that is a non-obvious bug…


…just to chime in, I’m also having problems getting a multisample
going in freespace: I thought it would be really straight forward,
based on the opengl test code…here’s the setup:

if (SDL_InitSubSystem (SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0)
	fprintf (stderr, "Couldn't init SDL: %s\n", SDL_GetError());
	exit (1);

SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_RED_SIZE, 5);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 5);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5);
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(SDL_GL_DEPTH_SIZE, 16);

int flags = SDL_OPENGL;

if (!Cmdline_window && ( (os_config_read_uint( NULL, "Fullscreen", 1 ) 

== 1) || Cmdline_fullscreen ))

// grab mouse/key unless told otherwise, ignore when we are going 

if ( !((flags & SDL_FULLSCREEN) || Cmdline_no_grab) ) {

FSAA = os_config_read_uint( NULL, "FSAA", 1 );
if ( FSAA ) {

if (SDL_SetVideoMode (gr_screen.max_w, gr_screen.max_h,0,flags) == 

fprintf (stderr, “Couldn’t set FSAA video mode: %s\n”,
SDL_GetError ());

    if (SDL_SetVideoMode (gr_screen.max_w, gr_screen.max_h,0,flags) == 

fprintf (stderr, “Couldn’t set video mode: %s\n”, SDL_GetError ());
exit (1);

…obviously, “FSAA” is equal to 0, 2, or 4 (passed in via *.ini
file)…but I sometimes get errors about “invalid pixel format”…but
it doesn’t seem to fail every time, looking at a recent log…

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URL: Wednesday, December 3, 2003, at 09:04 AM, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

Just looked at the source.

The reason FSAA doesn’t work on MacOSX is because the code is commented
out. Tada! :slight_smile:

Well, that’s not entirely true. Building with the code enabled is making
SDL_SetVideoMode fail if you try to get a FSAA context on my powerbook. I
went back and tried ut2003 again, and it fails there, too. Current
assumption is that Panther broke it, since it used to work on this
hardware with Jaguar.

This will need more research.


Just looked at the source.

The reason FSAA doesn’t work on MacOSX is because the code is commented
out. Tada! :slight_smile:

Well, that’s not entirely true. Building with the code enabled is
SDL_SetVideoMode fail if you try to get a FSAA context on my
powerbook. I
went back and tried ut2003 again, and it fails there, too. Current
assumption is that Panther broke it, since it used to work on this
hardware with Jaguar.

This will need more research.

hi ryan,

…by commented out, do you mean this bit from SDL_QuartVideo.m? :

#if NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION > 1 /* What version should this be? */
if ( this->gl_config.multisamplebuffers != 0 ) {
attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFASampleBuffers;
attr[i++] = this->gl_config.multisamplebuffers;

 if ( this->gl_config.multisamplesamples != 0 ) {
     attr[i++] = NSOpenGLPFASamples;
     attr[i++] = this->gl_config.multisamplesamples;


…I’ve searched, but can’t find where NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION is set:
is this done automatically by the compiler environment, or is this
something we need to define in the compiler flags? Or should we chuck
the whole #if/#endif?

…btw, I’m still using jaguar (10.2.8) on my tiBook, so I can confirm
any changes on us backwards machines :wink:

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URL: Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 06:35 AM, Ryan C. Gordon wrote:

…I’ve searched, but can’t find where NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION is set:
is this
done automatically by the compiler environment, or is this something we
need to define in the compiler flags? Or should we chuck the whole

…I just tried this with fs1, and I seem to be getting FSAA (so far
just tried 4x on my radeon mobility), but the mouse y coordinates are
now inverted (left/right seems to behave correctly)…

…wonder what’s up?

jamieOn Thursday, December 4, 2003, at 04:00 PM, @James_Tittle_II wrote:

i am mostly a C++ newbie, sorry if I ask things that seem logical to
(most of all) people on this list.

i want to use Eclipse(With CDT (C/C++ Extention)), and SDL to learn
OpenGL programming.

i chose SDL and Eclipse because I’ll (hopefully) soon get a Dual 1.8 G5.
(i just love the stability of Mac OX X :wink: so i can work on both
platforms in future (on my pc which will be a 500 euros/per year gaming
station and on my mac which will be my workstation)

so i tried to setup Eclipse, MSYS, Mingw-Make, MinGW GCC and SDL.

hello world works in eclipse, (managed make file), sdl compilation does
not work.

i copied the example [ Example 1-1. Initializing SDL ] from the docs:
[ \SDL-1.2.6\docs\html\guidebasicsinit.html ]

i exchanged “SDL.h” to #include <SDL.h> so it is found by MinGW (it is
located in \MSYS\mingw\include). before that it didnt even find the

now eclipse output window tells me:

Fehler *** [HelloWorldCpp.exe] Error 1 HelloWorldCpp
Fehler *** [SDL.exe] Error 1 SDL
Fehler main.o *…/main.cpp:19: undefined reference to SDL_Quit' ../main.cpp:10: undefined reference toSDL_GetError’ SDL Zeile 0
Fehler main.o *9: undefined reference to SDL_Init' ../main.cpp:19: undefined reference toSDL_Quit’ SDL Zeile 0
Fehler main.o *g++ -o SDL.exe main.o In function
Z8SDL_mainv': SDL Zeile 0 Fehler undefined reference toSDL_Init’ main.cpp SDL Zeile 9
Warnung control reaches end of non-void function main.cpp SDL Zeile 24
Warnung no return statement in function returning non-void main.cpp
SDL Zeile 24

(while Fehler means error and Warnung means warning - i got a "german"
language extention for eclipse; being a newbie i thought it would be
good to have an IDE that is mostly in my mother language; if i got some
exp i ll change back to the english version later)

anyone got an idea - or maybe some url where it is explained how to
install eclipse, mingw/gcc and sdl on win2k/xp (and mac os x)?–

I don’t know enough about Eclipse to give you step by step instuctions, but
you need to tell it to link in the SDL and SDL_main librarys.
Since you mentioned something about MinGW, I’ll assume Eclipse uses MinGW’s
g++, so you might look through it’s configuration stuff for “-lmingw32”
(possibly without the “-l”) – which most IDE’s for MinGW seem to link in by
default. You’ll need to add “-lsdl” and “-lsdl_main” (again, possibly
without the “-l”'s, and you might experiment with seperating them with
commas, semi-colons, or spaces).

Sorry I can’t be more helpful – like I said, I have no clue about Eclipse’s
configuration. Hope this helps atleast somewhat.

  • Silicon> ----- Original Message -----

From: (Jonas Hartmann)
Sent: Thursday, December 04, 2003 2:56 PM
Subject: [SDL] Eclipse/MinGW/MSys/SDL Newbie

i am mostly a C++ newbie, sorry if I ask things that seem logical to
(most of all) people on this list.

i want to use Eclipse(With CDT (C/C++ Extention)), and SDL to learn
OpenGL programming.

i chose SDL and Eclipse because I’ll (hopefully) soon get a Dual 1.8 G5.
(i just love the stability of Mac OX X :wink: so i can work on both
platforms in future (on my pc which will be a 500 euros/per year gaming
station and on my mac which will be my workstation)

so i tried to setup Eclipse, MSYS, Mingw-Make, MinGW GCC and SDL.

hello world works in eclipse, (managed make file), sdl compilation does
not work.

i copied the example [ Example 1-1. Initializing SDL ] from the docs:
[ \SDL-1.2.6\docs\html\guidebasicsinit.html ]

i exchanged “SDL.h” to #include <SDL.h> so it is found by MinGW (it is
located in \MSYS\mingw\include). before that it didnt even find the

now eclipse output window tells me:

Fehler *** [HelloWorldCpp.exe] Error 1 HelloWorldCpp
Fehler *** [SDL.exe] Error 1 SDL
Fehler main.o *…/main.cpp:19: undefined reference to SDL_Quit' ../main.cpp:10: undefined reference toSDL_GetError’ SDL Zeile 0
Fehler main.o *9: undefined reference to SDL_Init' ../main.cpp:19: undefined reference toSDL_Quit’ SDL Zeile 0
Fehler main.o *g++ -o SDL.exe main.o In function
Z8SDL_mainv': SDL Zeile 0 Fehler undefined reference toSDL_Init’ main.cpp SDL Zeile 9
Warnung control reaches end of non-void function main.cpp SDL Zeile 24
Warnung no return statement in function returning non-void main.cpp
SDL Zeile 24

(while Fehler means error and Warnung means warning - i got a "german"
language extention for eclipse; being a newbie i thought it would be
good to have an IDE that is mostly in my mother language; if i got some
exp i ll change back to the english version later)

anyone got an idea - or maybe some url where it is explained how to
install eclipse, mingw/gcc and sdl on win2k/xp (and mac os x)?


SDL mailing list
SDL at

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…by commented out, do you mean this bit from SDL_QuartVideo.m? :

#if NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION > 1 /* What version should this be? */

That’s it, yes.

Not sure where that should be defined, but it doesn’t seem to ever be.


…by commented out, do you mean this bit from SDL_QuartVideo.m? :

#if NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION > 1 /* What version should this be? */

That’s it, yes.

Not sure where that should be defined, but it doesn’t seem to ever be.

It’s defined in older versions of the code, so I assumed that the version
would be updated. The API’s used for multisampling are not available in
MacOS X 10.1 I’d deprecate 10.1, except I don’t have a later version of
MacOS X. :slight_smile:

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

…by commented out, do you mean this bit from SDL_QuartVideo.m? :

#if NSOPENGL_CURRENT_VERSION > 1 /* What version should this be? */

That’s it, yes.

Not sure where that should be defined, but it doesn’t seem to ever be.

It’s defined in older versions of the code, so I assumed that the
would be updated. The API’s used for multisampling are not available
MacOS X 10.1 I’d deprecate 10.1, except I don’t have a later version
MacOS X. :slight_smile:

hehe, based on what I’ve read below I don’t quite understand if there
is a simple solution out there for now or what. Commenting out the #if
and #endif cause SDL to crash saying something along the lines it’s
unable to create the OpenGL context.

Any thoughts on what can be done at this point? Where do we stand?

Thanks, I can’t wait to have FSAA in my SDL game.
– Derek Arndt, Hobbyist Mac Game Developer, Battery Acid GamesOn Dec 7, 2003, at 1:05 PM, Sam Lantinga wrote:

It’s defined in older versions of the code, so I assumed that the version
would be updated. The API’s used for multisampling are not available in
MacOS X 10.1 I’d deprecate 10.1, except I don’t have a later version of
MacOS X. :slight_smile:

If it’ll get 10.1 deprecated, I’ll buy you a copy of Panther out of’s developer fund. :slight_smile:


hehe, based on what I’ve read below I don’t quite understand if there is
a simple solution out there for now or what. Commenting out the #if and
#endif cause SDL to crash saying something along the lines it’s unable
to create the OpenGL context.

I’m of the opinion that something broke or changed in Panther, but I
could be wrong. I’ll harrass a GL engineer at Apple about it.

It should be noted that SDL_SetVideoMode() can legally return NULL if it
can’t get a GL context, and there are legitimate hardware configurations
where requesting any multisample support will prevent you from getting
a GL context. Your code should expect this, and try SDL_SetVideoMode()
again after resetting the multisample attributes to zero with
SDL_GL_SetAttribute(), unless not having FSAA is truly fatal to your


It should be noted that SDL_SetVideoMode() can legally return NULL if
it can’t get a GL context, and there are legitimate hardware
configurations where requesting any multisample support will prevent
you from getting a GL context. Your code should expect this, and try
SDL_SetVideoMode() again after resetting the multisample attributes to
zero with SDL_GL_SetAttribute(), unless not having FSAA is truly fatal
to your application.

At this point on my 1.8Ghz G5 (with 9600) I would assume FSAA at 4x
wouldn’t have issues…should I expect my hardware configuration to
fail in this case? (of course I still need to setup a parachute to
catch it on hardware that doesn’t support it, but if FSAA doesn’t work
in the first place why bother going through the hassle of trying to
enable it and then catching it when it doesn’t work ;))

Thanks brotha’
– Derek Arndt, Hobbyist Mac Game Developer, Battery Acid Games

At this point on my 1.8Ghz G5 (with 9600) I would assume FSAA at 4x
wouldn’t have issues…should I expect my hardware configuration to
fail in this case? (of course I still need to setup a parachute to
catch it on hardware that doesn’t support it, but if FSAA doesn’t work
in the first place why bother going through the hassle of trying to
enable it and then catching it when it doesn’t work ;))

Well, a Radeon 9600 should support it, so in this case it’s a bug, but
in general, FSAA is considered a feature, so when the guy with the
Rage128 tries to run your game, it should just go on without it if
SDL_SetVideoMode fails (maybe with a notification to the user).

This is just about bullet-proofing your app in general, bugs in the
current SDL implementation aside.


It’s defined in older versions of the code, so I assumed that the version
would be updated. The API’s used for multisampling are not available in
MacOS X 10.1 I’d deprecate 10.1, except I don’t have a later version of
MacOS X. :slight_smile:

If it’ll get 10.1 deprecated, I’ll buy you a copy of Panther out of’s developer fund. :slight_smile:

Well, there’s money in the SDL developer fund. I should probably just bite
the bullet and buy the next OSX release.

In the meantime, is there any way at compile time to see whether the APIs
are supported?

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment