My Sonic game needs your help - TransparentColor doesnt disa

I’m not sure if I’m understanding your problem. Do some of the images work and some others don’t, so the transparent color is visible?

Yes, it is
sorry if my English is not the best one
When bliting, some Surfaces (most) dont draw their TransparentColor (Ok) and others do, that is it is visible (wrong)

perhaps if you tell me where to upload the program you can see the code and could know how to fix this …

I know about “YouSendit”, a page where yo can send larger files to an email address, but I dont know if I can send to an entire group

Asesinar y comer un perro o un gato es lo mismo q hacerlo a una vaca, un pollo, un cerdo o un pez. El genocidio no discrimina. No seas complice de genocidas. No seas genocida. En la vida tarde o temprano todo vuelve. No comas cadaveres. No seas necr?fago.________________________________
De: Manuel Montoto <g.manu at>
Para: sdl at
Enviado: domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012 11:34
Asunto: Re: [SDL] My Sonic game needs your help - TransparentColor doesnt disa

I’m not sure if I’m understanding your problem. Do some of the images work and some others don’t, so the transparent color is visible?

SDL mailing list
SDL at

I have never used an upload service, so I can’t give advice on that.

If some of the graphics display OK and some other don’t, looks like the problem lies on the graphics files, not on the code. What software are you using to create the files? Are we talking about png images?

I m using Paint and, yes, they are PNG images, cos I supossed they were the best color definition
is there any problem with them? Paint allows to save a file with many formats, should I change it? To which, … if I would like the best color definition?

yes, I? know Paint it s a bit old, which one do you suggest? Considering?I m not an artist

thank you Manuel

it s strange we re talking in English … but it s the list s rules

Asesinar y comer un perro o un gato es lo mismo q hacerlo a una vaca, un pollo, un cerdo o un pez. El genocidio no discrimina. No seas complice de genocidas. No seas genocida. En la vida tarde o temprano todo vuelve. No comas cadaveres. No seas necr?fago.________________________________
De: Manuel Montoto <g.manu at>
Para: sdl at
Enviado: domingo, 6 de mayo de 2012 16:31
Asunto: Re: [SDL] My Sonic game needs your help - TransparentColor doesnt disa

I have never used an upload service, so I can’t give advice on that.

If some of the graphics display OK and some other don’t, looks like the problem lies on the graphics files, not on the code. What software are you using to create the files? Are we talking about png images?

SDL mailing list
SDL at