
A couple of things…

I’m moving to Connecticut, USA to a new job. (Yay!)
This means I’ll be busy with real life for a few weeks. :slight_smile:
Do you mean this isn’t real life? :slight_smile:

The latest version of SDL, 0.7 has been a great success.
There are a few new developers (say hi guys) using SDL. :slight_smile:
Minor bugs outstanding:
Using audio and the timer together may not work
Using the mouse under DGA may lock? crash? (This is a big one)
SDL_LoadBMP() doesn’t understand old BMP files (fixed)
These are all high priority and will be fixed as soon as possible.
CVS source tree not letting people check out.

cvs server: Updating .
cvs server: failed to create lock directory in repository /home/slouken/cvsroot/SDL': Permission denied cvs server: failed to obtain dir lock in repository/home/slouken/cvsroot/SDL’
cvs [server aborted]: read lock failed - giving up

or is this something to do with my setup? (I’ve installed a new HDD and moved
stuff across onto it since last time I sync’ed with the CVS source)

or is this a byproduct of a rm -rf in a home directory?

I’m going to add a new section to my links page, for projects using
SDL. If you have something in progress that you are comfortable letting
people look at, or have a finished project or port, let me know and
I’ll put a link to it from my web page.

On the subject of C program indentation:

    "In My Egotistical Opinion, most people's C programs should be
    indented six feet downward and covered with dirt."
            -- Blair P. Houghton

A couple of things…

I’m moving to Connecticut, USA to a new job. (Yay!)
This means I’ll be busy with real life for a few weeks. :slight_smile:

The latest version of SDL, 0.7 has been a great success.
There are a few new developers (say hi guys) using SDL. :slight_smile:
Minor bugs outstanding:
Using audio and the timer together may not work
Using the mouse under DGA may lock? crash? (This is a big one)
SDL_LoadBMP() doesn’t understand old BMP files (fixed)
These are all high priority and will be fixed as soon as possible.

I ported the HElliZER demo to SDL – it has a problem reading the
resource files under Win32, so I’m not going to release it yet.
BTW, the demo was really well written – Kudos to Mad Max and friends.

I’m going to add a new section to my links page, for projects using
SDL. If you have something in progress that you are comfortable letting
people look at, or have a finished project or port, let me know and
I’ll put a link to it from my web page.

I hope everything is going well for you all…

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga (slouken at–
Author of Simple DirectMedia Layer -

Congrats. Good luck in your new job. How is it going to affect SDL?


Congrats. Good luck in your new job. How is it going to affect SDL?

Thanks. I don’t anticipate that it will seriously impact SDL.
I’m still very much interested in working with it, and improving it.
(Also the demo of SDL networked Maelstrom at Cyberian was very well received)

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga (slouken at–
Author of Simple DirectMedia Layer -

I’m moving to Connecticut, USA to a new job. (Yay!)
This means I’ll be busy with real life for a few weeks. :slight_smile:
Do you mean this isn’t real life? :slight_smile:


CVS source tree not letting people check out.

This is a byproduct of rm -rf *

I’ll fix it today.

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga (slouken at–
Author of Simple DirectMedia Layer -