[patch] direct color support

user submitted this bug and i’m just passing it along … the patch looks like
it could be touched up a bit, but the idea seems valid & simple

SDL_pixel.c on src/video/x11 seems to force an 8 bit framebuffer to be
pseudocolor. There are system where you can set it as a direct or true color

-------------- next part --------------
A non-text attachment was scrubbed…
Name: 8bit-direct.patch
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I would add something:
I’m one of the devs of the bzflag.
I recently added SDL to the game, as the game is multiplatform.
Another the dev used to play with direct-color 8 bit, as it was
supported on the game before SDL adding.
Analyzing the problem we found that SDL_pixel.c need to be patched with
some lines of code, not handling our particular configuration.
We are now releasing really soon, and we would like those patch, or
something else that fixes it, to be applied, in a way that we could in
the future, eventually discard the old files.


I would add something:
I’m one of the devs of the bzflag.
I recently added SDL to the game, as the game is multiplatform.
Another the dev used to play with direct-color 8 bit, as it was
supported on the game before SDL adding.
Analyzing the problem we found that SDL_pixel.c need to be patched with
some lines of code, not handling our particular configuration.
We are now releasing really soon, and we would like those patch, or
something else that fixes it, to be applied, in a way that we could in
the future, eventually discard the old files.

I’ve been hesitant to apply this patch, since I don’t have access to a
direct-color 8 bit display, and I know that SDL always assumes 1 byte per
pixel to be a palettized mode for blitting purposes.

Does the patch as written address your needs?

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

Sam Lantinga wrote:

I’ve been hesitant to apply this patch, since I don’t have access to a
direct-color 8 bit display, and I know that SDL always assumes 1 byte per
pixel to be a palettized mode for blitting purposes.

Does the patch as written address your needs?

I am the aforementioned bzflag dev running X with 8 bit color depth and a
direct color (R-G-B 3-3-2) visual. Without the patch, the colors are all
wrong because SDL assumes 8bit means PseudoColor visual, although glx chose
the DirectColor one. For the purposes of bzflag the patch works fine,
including gamma support. All drawing in bzflag is done via OpenGL, though,
so I have no idea whether the SDL blitting and drawing would work correctly.
However, it will only affect 8bit DirectColor setups, and without the patch
they are bound to be more broken than with it.

(sorry for the broken threading, but I just subscribed to the list)–
Frank Thilo - @Frank_Thilo IRC: Chestal

I would add something:
I’m one of the devs of the bzflag.
I recently added SDL to the game, as the game is multiplatform.
Another the dev used to play with direct-color 8 bit, as it was
supported on the game before SDL adding.
Analyzing the problem we found that SDL_pixel.c need to be patched with
some lines of code, not handling our particular configuration.
We are now releasing really soon, and we would like those patch, or
something else that fixes it, to be applied, in a way that we could in
the future, eventually discard the old files.

I’ve been hesitant to apply this patch, since I don’t have access to a
direct-color 8 bit display, and I know that SDL always assumes 1 byte per
pixel to be a palettized mode for blitting purposes.

Sam, the default palette that SDL creates for 8 bit surfaces is a 3-3-2
palette. But, the mask, shift, and loss values are all set for a single
8 bit value with no RGB fields. I think that means that the SDL blit
code will do the right thing most of the time.

		Bob PendletonOn Tue, 2005-01-11 at 22:28 -0800, Sam Lantinga wrote:

Does the patch as written address your needs?

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

SDL mailing list
SDL at libsdl.org

Okay, I cleaned up the function with more general support for palettized
and non-palettized modes. I’m attaching the file so you can try it out.

Please let me know if this works. :slight_smile:

-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment
-------------- next part --------------
SDL - Simple DirectMedia Layer
Copyright © 1997-2004 Sam Lantinga

This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public
License along with this library; if not, write to the Free
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

Sam Lantinga


static char rcsid =
"@(#) $Id: SDL_pixels.c,v 1.13 2005/01/12 19:38:24 slouken Exp $";

/* General (mostly internal) pixel/color manipulation routines for SDL */

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

#include “SDL_error.h”
#include “SDL_endian.h”
#include “SDL_video.h”
#include “SDL_sysvideo.h”
#include “SDL_blit.h”
#include “SDL_pixels_c.h”
#include “SDL_RLEaccel_c.h”

/* Helper functions /

  • Allocate a pixel format structure and fill it according to the given info.
    SDL_PixelFormat *SDL_AllocFormat(int bpp,
    Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask)
    SDL_PixelFormat *format;
    Uint32 mask;

    /* Allocate an empty pixel format structure */
    format = malloc(sizeof(*format));
    if ( format == NULL ) {
    memset(format, 0, sizeof(*format));
    format->alpha = SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE;

    /* Set up the format /
    format->BitsPerPixel = bpp;
    format->BytesPerPixel = (bpp+7)/8;
    if ( Rmask || Bmask || Gmask ) { /
    Packed pixels with custom mask /
    format->palette = NULL;
    format->Rshift = 0;
    format->Rloss = 8;
    if ( Rmask ) {
    for ( mask = Rmask; !(mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    for ( ; (mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    format->Gshift = 0;
    format->Gloss = 8;
    if ( Gmask ) {
    for ( mask = Gmask; !(mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    for ( ; (mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    format->Bshift = 0;
    format->Bloss = 8;
    if ( Bmask ) {
    for ( mask = Bmask; !(mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    for ( ; (mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    format->Ashift = 0;
    format->Aloss = 8;
    if ( Amask ) {
    for ( mask = Amask; !(mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    for ( ; (mask&0x01); mask >>= 1 )
    format->Rmask = Rmask;
    format->Gmask = Gmask;
    format->Bmask = Bmask;
    format->Amask = Amask;
    } else if ( bpp > 8 ) { /
    Packed pixels with standard mask /
    R-G-B /
    if ( bpp > 24 )
    bpp = 24;
    format->Rloss = 8-(bpp/3);
    format->Gloss = 8-(bpp/3)-(bpp%3);
    format->Bloss = 8-(bpp/3);
    format->Rshift = ((bpp/3)+(bpp%3))+(bpp/3);
    format->Gshift = (bpp/3);
    format->Bshift = 0;
    format->Rmask = ((0xFF>>format->Rloss)<Rshift);
    format->Gmask = ((0xFF>>format->Gloss)<Gshift);
    format->Bmask = ((0xFF>>format->Bloss)<Bshift);
    } else { /
    Palettized mode */
    int i, ncolors = 1;
    for ( i = 0; i < bpp; ++i ) {
    ncolors *= 2;
    format->palette = (SDL_Palette )malloc(sizeof(SDL_Palette));
    if ( format->palette == NULL ) {
    (format->palette)->ncolors = ncolors;
    (format->palette)->colors = (SDL_Color )malloc(
    if ( (format->palette)->colors == NULL ) {
    if ( ncolors == 2 ) {
    Create a black and white bitmap palette /
    format->palette->colors[0].r = 0xFF;
    format->palette->colors[0].g = 0xFF;
    format->palette->colors[0].b = 0xFF;
    format->palette->colors[1].r = 0x00;
    format->palette->colors[1].g = 0x00;
    format->palette->colors[1].b = 0x00;
    } else {
    Create an empty palette /
    memset((format->palette)->colors, 0,

     /* Palettized formats have no mask info */
     format->Rloss = 8;
     format->Gloss = 8;
     format->Bloss = 8;
     format->Aloss = 8;
     format->Rshift = 0;
     format->Gshift = 0;
     format->Bshift = 0;
     format->Ashift = 0;
     format->Rmask = 0;
     format->Gmask = 0;
     format->Bmask = 0;
     format->Amask = 0;

    SDL_PixelFormat *SDL_ReallocFormat(SDL_Surface *surface, int bpp,
    Uint32 Rmask, Uint32 Gmask, Uint32 Bmask, Uint32 Amask)
    if ( surface->format ) {
    surface->format = SDL_AllocFormat(bpp, Rmask, Gmask, Bmask, Amask);
    return surface->format;


  • Change any previous mappings from/to the new surface format
    void SDL_FormatChanged(SDL_Surface surface)
    static int format_version = 0;
    if ( format_version < 0 ) { /
    It wrapped… /
    format_version = 1;
    surface->format_version = format_version;

  • Free a previously allocated format structure
    void SDL_FreeFormat(SDL_PixelFormat format)
    if ( format ) {
    if ( format->palette ) {
    if ( format->palette->colors ) {

  • Calculate an 8-bit (3 red, 3 green, 2 blue) dithered palette of colors
    void SDL_DitherColors(SDL_Color colors, int bpp)
    int i;
    if(bpp != 8)
    return; /
    only 8bpp supported right now */

    for(i = 0; i < 256; i++) {
    int r, g, b;
    /* map each bit field to the full [0, 255] interval,
    so 0 is mapped to (0, 0, 0) and 255 to (255, 255, 255) /
    r = i & 0xe0;
    r |= r >> 3 | r >> 6;
    colors[i].r = r;
    g = (i << 3) & 0xe0;
    g |= g >> 3 | g >> 6;
    colors[i].g = g;
    b = i & 0x3;
    b |= b << 2;
    b |= b << 4;
    colors[i].b = b;

  • Calculate the pad-aligned scanline width of a surface
    Uint16 SDL_CalculatePitch(SDL_Surface *surface)
    Uint16 pitch;

    /* Surface should be 4-byte aligned for speed /
    pitch = surface->w
    switch (surface->format->BitsPerPixel) {
    case 1:
    pitch = (pitch+7)/8;
    case 4:
    pitch = (pitch+1)/2;
    pitch = (pitch + 3) & ~3; /* 4-byte aligning /

  • Match an RGB value to a particular palette index
    Uint8 SDL_FindColor(SDL_Palette pal, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
    Do colorspace distance matching */
    unsigned int smallest;
    unsigned int distance;
    int rd, gd, bd;
    int i;
    Uint8 pixel=0;

    smallest = ~0;
    for ( i=0; incolors; ++i ) {
    rd = pal->colors[i].r - r;
    gd = pal->colors[i].g - g;
    bd = pal->colors[i].b - b;
    distance = (rdrd)+(gdgd)+(bdbd);
    if ( distance < smallest ) {
    pixel = i;
    if ( distance == 0 ) { /
    Perfect match! */
    smallest = distance;

/* Find the opaque pixel value corresponding to an RGB triple */
Uint32 SDL_MapRGB(SDL_PixelFormat *format, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b)
if ( format->palette == NULL ) {
return (r >> format->Rloss) << format->Rshift
| (g >> format->Gloss) << format->Gshift
| (b >> format->Bloss) << format->Bshift
| format->Amask;
} else {
return SDL_FindColor(format->palette, r, g, b);

/* Find the pixel value corresponding to an RGBA quadruple */
Uint32 SDL_MapRGBA(SDL_PixelFormat *format, Uint8 r, Uint8 g, Uint8 b, Uint8 a)
if ( format->palette == NULL ) {
return (r >> format->Rloss) << format->Rshift
| (g >> format->Gloss) << format->Gshift
| (b >> format->Bloss) << format->Bshift
| ((a >> format->Aloss) << format->Ashift & format->Amask);
} else {
return SDL_FindColor(format->palette, r, g, b);

void SDL_GetRGBA(Uint32 pixel, SDL_PixelFormat *fmt,
Uint8 *r, Uint8 *g, Uint8 *b, Uint8 a)
if ( fmt->palette == NULL ) {

* This makes sure that the result is mapped to the
* interval [0…255], and the maximum value for each
* component is 255. This is important to make sure
* that white is indeed reported as (255, 255, 255),
* and that opaque alpha is 255.
* This only works for RGB bit fields at least 4 bit
* wide, which is almost always the case.
unsigned v;
v = (pixel & fmt->Rmask) >> fmt->Rshift;
*r = (v << fmt->Rloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Rloss << 1)));
v = (pixel & fmt->Gmask) >> fmt->Gshift;
*g = (v << fmt->Gloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Gloss << 1)));
v = (pixel & fmt->Bmask) >> fmt->Bshift;
*b = (v << fmt->Bloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Bloss << 1)));
if(fmt->Amask) {
v = (pixel & fmt->Amask) >> fmt->Ashift;
*a = (v << fmt->Aloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Aloss << 1)));
} else {
} else {
*r = fmt->palette->colors[pixel].r;
*g = fmt->palette->colors[pixel].g;
*b = fmt->palette->colors[pixel].b;

void SDL_GetRGB(Uint32 pixel, SDL_PixelFormat *fmt, Uint8 *r,Uint8 *g,Uint8 b)
if ( fmt->palette == NULL ) {
the note for SDL_GetRGBA above applies here too */
unsigned v;
v = (pixel & fmt->Rmask) >> fmt->Rshift;
*r = (v << fmt->Rloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Rloss << 1)));
v = (pixel & fmt->Gmask) >> fmt->Gshift;
*g = (v << fmt->Gloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Gloss << 1)));
v = (pixel & fmt->Bmask) >> fmt->Bshift;
*b = (v << fmt->Bloss) + (v >> (8 - (fmt->Bloss << 1)));
} else {
*r = fmt->palette->colors[pixel].r;
*g = fmt->palette->colors[pixel].g;
*b = fmt->palette->colors[pixel].b;

/* Apply gamma to a set of colors - this is easy. :slight_smile: */
void SDL_ApplyGamma(Uint16 *gamma, SDL_Color *colors, SDL_Color *output,
int ncolors)
int i;

for ( i=0; i<ncolors; ++i ) {
	output[i].r = gamma[0*256 + colors[i].r] >> 8;
	output[i].g = gamma[1*256 + colors[i].g] >> 8;
	output[i].b = gamma[2*256 + colors[i].b] >> 8;


/* Map from Palette to Palette */
static Uint8 *Map1to1(SDL_Palette *src, SDL_Palette *dst, int *identical)
Uint8 *map;
int i;

if ( identical ) {
	if ( src->ncolors <= dst->ncolors ) {
		/* If an identical palette, no need to map */
		if ( memcmp(src->colors, dst->colors, src->ncolors*
					sizeof(SDL_Color)) == 0 ) {
			*identical = 1;
	*identical = 0;
map = (Uint8 *)malloc(src->ncolors);
if ( map == NULL ) {
for ( i=0; i<src->ncolors; ++i ) {
	map[i] = SDL_FindColor(dst,
		src->colors[i].r, src->colors[i].g, src->colors[i].b);

/* Map from Palette to BitField */
static Uint8 *Map1toN(SDL_Palette *src, SDL_PixelFormat *dst)
Uint8 *map;
int i;
int bpp;
unsigned alpha;

bpp = ((dst->BytesPerPixel == 3) ? 4 : dst->BytesPerPixel);
map = (Uint8 *)malloc(src->ncolors*bpp);
if ( map == NULL ) {

alpha = dst->Amask ? SDL_ALPHA_OPAQUE : 0;
/* We memory copy to the pixel map so the endianness is preserved */
for ( i=0; i<src->ncolors; ++i ) {
	ASSEMBLE_RGBA(&map[i*bpp], dst->BytesPerPixel, dst,
		      src->colors[i].r, src->colors[i].g,
		      src->colors[i].b, alpha);

/* Map from BitField to Dithered-Palette to Palette */
static Uint8 *MapNto1(SDL_PixelFormat *src, SDL_Palette *dst, int identical)
Generate a 256 color dither palette */
SDL_Palette dithered;
SDL_Color colors[256];

/* SDL_DitherColors does not initialize the 'unused' component of colors,
   but Map1to1 compares it against dst, so we should initialize it. */  
memset(colors, 0, sizeof(colors));

dithered.ncolors = 256;
SDL_DitherColors(colors, 8);
dithered.colors = colors;
return(Map1to1(&dithered, dst, identical));


SDL_BlitMap *SDL_AllocBlitMap(void)
SDL_BlitMap *map;

/* Allocate the empty map */
map = (SDL_BlitMap *)malloc(sizeof(*map));
if ( map == NULL ) {
memset(map, 0, sizeof(*map));

/* Allocate the software blit data */
map->sw_data = (struct private_swaccel *)malloc(sizeof(*map->sw_data));
if ( map->sw_data == NULL ) {
memset(map->sw_data, 0, sizeof(*map->sw_data));

/* It's ready to go */

void SDL_InvalidateMap(SDL_BlitMap *map)
if ( ! map ) {
map->dst = NULL;
map->format_version = (unsigned int)-1;
if ( map->table ) {
map->table = NULL;
int SDL_MapSurface (SDL_Surface *src, SDL_Surface *dst)
SDL_PixelFormat *srcfmt;
SDL_PixelFormat *dstfmt;
SDL_BlitMap *map;

/* Clear out any previous mapping */
map = src->map;
if ( (src->flags & SDL_RLEACCEL) == SDL_RLEACCEL ) {
	SDL_UnRLESurface(src, 1);

/* Figure out what kind of mapping we're doing */
map->identity = 0;
srcfmt = src->format;
dstfmt = dst->format;
switch (srcfmt->BytesPerPixel) {
    case 1:
	switch (dstfmt->BytesPerPixel) {
	    case 1:
		/* Palette --> Palette */
		/* If both SDL_HWSURFACE, assume have same palette */
		if ( ((src->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE) &&
		     ((dst->flags & SDL_HWSURFACE) == SDL_HWSURFACE) ) {
			map->identity = 1;
		} else {
			map->table = Map1to1(srcfmt->palette,
				dstfmt->palette, &map->identity);
		if ( ! map->identity ) {
			if ( map->table == NULL ) {
		if (srcfmt->BitsPerPixel!=dstfmt->BitsPerPixel)
			map->identity = 0;

		/* Palette --> BitField */
		map->table = Map1toN(srcfmt->palette, dstfmt);
		if ( map->table == NULL ) {
	switch (dstfmt->BytesPerPixel) {
	    case 1:
		/* BitField --> Palette */
		map->table = MapNto1(srcfmt,
				dstfmt->palette, &map->identity);
		if ( ! map->identity ) {
			if ( map->table == NULL ) {
		map->identity = 0;	/* Don't optimize to copy */
		/* BitField --> BitField */
		if ( FORMAT_EQUAL(srcfmt, dstfmt) )
			map->identity = 1;

map->dst = dst;
map->format_version = dst->format_version;

/* Choose your blitters wisely */

void SDL_FreeBlitMap(SDL_BlitMap *map)
if ( map ) {
if ( map->sw_data != NULL ) {

Sam Lantinga (slouken at devolution.com) wrote:

Okay, I cleaned up the function with more general support for palettized
and non-palettized modes. I’m attaching the file so you can try it out.

Your version works fine for me, both with 8bit (3-3-2 DirectColor visual)
and 24bit. Tested with bzflag.–
Frank Thilo - @Frank_Thilo IRC: Chestal

Sam Lantinga (slouken at devolution.com) wrote:

Okay, I cleaned up the function with more general support for palettized
and non-palettized modes. I’m attaching the file so you can try it out.

Your version works fine for me, both with 8bit (3-3-2 DirectColor visual)
and 24bit. Tested with bzflag.

Great, thanks. This is checked into CVS.

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment