Physical address of pixels in linux

Hi ,
I create a surface with SDL_HWSURFACE in linux,but I can not find the physical address of the pixels,
Who can help me?


You have to lock the surface (SDL_LockSurface), then the pixel buffer will be available in surface->pixels, when you are finished unlock the surface (SDL_UnlockSurface). Pixel operations are much slower on Hardware surfaces, so if you plan to do lots of them to the surface often you will be better off with Software sufaces.----- Original Message -----
From: xlf
To: sdl at
Sent: Thursday, December 25, 2003 3:51 AM
Subject: [SDL] physical address of pixels in linux

Hi ,
I create a surface with SDL_HWSURFACE in linux,but I can not find the physical address of the pixels,
Who can help me?
