PS4 Controllers listed twice when a PS3 c. is also connected

When I start my application with a PS4 controller AND a PS3 controller connected via bluetooth on Mac OS X (tested on 10.9 and 10.10 developer preview), the PS4 controller gets listed twice.

This does happen in these cases:

  • opening all joysticks when starting the app
  • restarting the SDL joystick subsystem and doing the same thing above.
  • Letting the hotplug code handle the joystick openning, without opening all the joysticks from its index separatelly.

This does NOT happen in these cases:

  • hotpluging in any order
  • when I have another kind of controller connected togheter instead of a Dual Shock 3. (tested with a xbox 360 controller)

bugzilla link:
Rodrigo Cardoso Rocha
@RodrigoRodrigoR -
Chibata Creations -