Python wrapper foir SDL

Hi, would anyone be interested in python wrappers for SDL?

(or has this been done already?)


Neil McGill mailto:Neil_McGill *8^) . .
Software Developer:ISDN, Cisco Systems Ltd ~~""~""~"~"|~"~
3rd Floor, 96 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6LX, UK ||| |||
Tel: 0131 561 3622 Fax: 0131 561 3601 Mob: 07714 226 281 .:|||||:.:|||||:.

Neil McGill wrote:

Hi, would anyone be interested in python wrappers for SDL?

(or has this been done already?)


I will be really interested. I wanted to start myself but I don’t have enough
Perhaps I can help.>

Neil McGill <mailto:nmcgill at> *8^) . .
Software Developer:ISDN, Cisco Systems Ltd ~~""~""~"~"|~"~
3rd Floor, 96 Commercial Street, Edinburgh, EH6 6LX, UK ||| |||
Tel: 0131 561 3622 Fax: 0131 561 3601 Mob: 07714 226 281 .:|||||:.:|||||:.

Hi, would anyone be interested in python wrappers for SDL?

(or has this been done already?)


I will be really interested. I wanted to start myself but I don’t have enough
Perhaps I can help.

quick suggestion might be to have a look at swig,it build wrapper for a
bunch of scripting language (perl,tcl,python,java for the unstable
version,there might be some other),you feed it a header file for the
function you want to script and it output the C (or C++) code necessary
to wrap your lib to your scripting language,after that,it’s just a
mather of compiling the wrapper inside the lib and presto,you have your

Alain Toussaint

p.s. nearly forgot to give the url for swig: