Reading from file with SDL_RWread appends a previous string

I’m reading files in a C99 program that will likely target many platforms that SDL supports, so I want to use SDL_RWops. I’m testing on a macOS machine.

Here’s my file loading code:

void loadFile(const char fileName[]) {
    char filePath[SDL_strlen(mainDirectory) + SDL_strlen(fileName) + 2];
    SDL_snprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "%s/%s", mainDirectory, fileName);

    SDL_RWops* file = SDL_RWFromFile(filePath, "r");
    if (file == NULL) {
        SDL_Log("%s\n", "File could not be found in this directory.");

    const Sint64 fileSize = SDL_RWsize(file);
    char fileContents[fileSize];

    if (SDL_RWread(file, &fileContents, sizeof(char), fileSize) == 0) {
        const char* err = SDL_GetError();
        if (strcmp(err, "") == 0) {
            SDL_Log("%s\n", "Success, end of file.");
        } else {
            SDL_Log("%s\n", err);

    SDL_Log("File contents: %s\n", fileContents);

For testing, I have a file that contains this content:

stuff and things

“mainDirectory” is also defined like this:

// in the header
static char* mainDirectory;

// later on, in a function in the associated source file
if (argc <= 1) {
    mainDirectory = SDL_GetBasePath();
} else {
    mainDirectory = argv[1];


If I run the program with “/main/directory/” as the argument for example, the result of the final SDL_Log in the loadFile function prints out this:

stuff and things/main/directory//testfile.txt

Oddly enough, running the program with no arguments and using SDL_GetBasePath works perfectly fine. And rewriting the function so that it only uses stdio.h functions like fread and fclose also works fine.

Anyone know what’s going on here?

This expects fileContents to be a null-terminated string, so it’s a buffer overflow here. You should probably append a null-character to your buffer after you read the data.

Undefined behavior is a pretty random thing :grin:

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Can you try it with this code?

void loadFile(const char fileName[]) {
    char filePath[SDL_strlen(mainDirectory) + SDL_strlen(fileName) + 2];
    SDL_snprintf(filePath, sizeof(filePath), "%s/%s", mainDirectory, fileName);

    SDL_RWops* file = SDL_RWFromFile(filePath, "r");
    if (file == NULL) {
        SDL_Log("%s\n", "File could not be found in this directory.");

    const Sint64 fileSize = SDL_RWsize(file);
    char fileContents[fileSize + 1]; // + 1 for null-char

    size_t len = SDL_RWread(file, &fileContents, sizeof(char), fileSize);
    fileContents[len] = '\0'; // set null-char at end of the data
    if (len == 0) {
        const char* err = SDL_GetError();
        if (strcmp(err, "") == 0) {
            SDL_Log("%s\n", "Success, end of file.");
        } else {
            SDL_Log("%s\n", err);

    SDL_Log("File contents: %s\n", fileContents);
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This works perfectly, thanks!

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By the way, while VLAs (char fileContents[fileSize + 1]) can be good for small allocations, it can cause stack overflow with larger fileSize.

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