Resizable windows

Does anyone have a sample app that shows how to implement resizable windows
using the new SDL feature?

Does anyone have a sample app that shows how to implement resizable windows
using the new SDL feature?

Check out plaympeg in the SMPEG 0.4.0 release:

See ya!
-Sam Lantinga, Lead Programmer, Loki Entertainment Software

Hehe, freaky
am…called SDL_SetVideoMode with SDL_RESIZABLE as one of the flags. Work
away happy as larry until you get an SDL_VIDEORESIZE event, call
SetVideoMode with the w and h values from SDL_ResizeEvent structure.
This is all aka theory atm, btw:)On Wed, 14 Jun 2000, Bill Radcliffe wrote:

Does anyone have a sample app that shows how to implement resizable windows
using the new SDL feature?


Bother, said Pooh, as he received his Compuserve bill.