RGBA +per-surface alpha


Few days ago, while working on some 2d toolkit/sprite engine,
I realized that I need to blit surfaces with alpha channel using
additional per-surface alpha(so I can apply alpha transformation
to every possible GFX object). And AFAIK SDL ignores per-surface
alpha when blitting RGBA->RGB(A).

So my question is:
Am i blind and there is already some way to do that,
or do I have to write some patch?

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Few days ago, while working on some 2d toolkit/sprite engine,
I realized that I need to blit surfaces with alpha channel using
additional per-surface alpha(so I can apply alpha transformation
to every possible GFX object). And AFAIK SDL ignores per-surface
alpha when blitting RGBA->RGB(A).

So my question is:
Am i blind and there is already some way to do that,
or do I have to write some patch?

You have to write a custom blitter for your application.

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

You have to write a custom blitter for your application.

See ya,
-Sam Lantinga, Software Engineer, Blizzard Entertainment

Thanks for reply.
not exactly what i hoped for, but thanks anyway :slight_smile:

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