145 989 lines of code, this thing is huge. kiss_sdl has 2437 lines of code, 60 times more complex. And this is counting only the Rose library, not an external libraries added there. This is evidently not immediate GUI, and not principal GUI like kiss_sdl, that goes further. -----------------------
kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl2
Yep, it’s big. That’s the idea. The complexity (and again: complexity and line count are not equivalent) stays out of client code and in the SDK. It’s not just a GUI library, so direct comparisons with GUI libraries are not particularly appropriate.
Right but again, complexity cannot be completely hidden.
And, if you want a library just for a simple GUI for your game, would that be then that 145 989 lines one? -----------------------
kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl2
It would be a useful exercise to try saying something good or constructive about Rose instead of just being contradictory. Building others up is how you promote a community. Saying only negative things about other people’s efforts is no way to gain support for your own.
I’m not telling negative things about others, but i’m telling about the thing i made, in comparison with the others. Can i do that, or should i only talk about the things that others made? -----------------------
kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 GitHub - actsl/kiss_sdl2: Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2
Saying only negative things about other people's efforts is no way
to gain support for your own.
I’m not telling negative things about others, but i’m telling about the
thing i made, in comparison with the others. Can i do that, or should i
only talk about the things that others made?
You can do that in your own threads or in generic threads discussing a
Hijacking other people’s presentations is rude.
What constructive do you guys do, talking here like in the name of everyone in the forum, causing problems when there are none. If the author of Rose wants to talk here, that would be good, i want constructive discussion. -----------------------
kiss_sdl - Simple generic GUI widget toolkit for SDL2 https://github.com/actsl/kiss_sdl2
Can i do that, or should i only talk about the things that others made?
No one is mad about there being a thread for the thing you made:
I’m getting kind of tired of seeing a thread with a lot of replies and assuming it’s going to be several people telling you to knock it off. Several people keep explaining this to you in clear words and you argue with them about it. Many people are asking me to ban you from the forum outright, and I’m going to do it if I have to write another reply like this. Last warning.