SDL-1.2-13 made a GL3.0

Hello all,

I just spent some time making SDL-1.2.13 have the ability to create a context
for OpenGL 3.0 in X, on my hardware and OS it works, but I would like to make it
available so others can check if it is OK on their setups; where is a good place
to post the files that I have changed (or diffs if people insist), the code
additions are small.

Best Regards

If it’s a small diff, you could just post the patch as an email attachment…>----- Original Message ----

From: Kevin Rogovin <kevin.rogovin at>
Subject: [SDL] SDL-1.2-13 made a GL3.0

Hello all,

I just spent some time making SDL-1.2.13 have the ability to create a context
for OpenGL 3.0 in X, on my hardware and OS it works, but I would like to make it
available so others can check if it is OK on their setups; where is a good place
to post the files that I have changed (or diffs if people insist), the code
additions are small.

Err, lacking the ability to attach e-mails from the web interface, here is just
a blob of C-source:

add to src/video/x11/SDL_x11gl.c:




typedef GLXContext (glXCreateContextAttribsARBProc)(Display, GLXFBConfig,
GLXContext, Bool, const int*);

void X11_GL_MakeGL30_Context(_THIS)
glXCreateContextAttribsARBProc glXCreateContextAttribsARB=NULL;
GLXContext null_context=NULL;
int glx_attribs[128];
int c=0;
GLXFBConfig *fbc;
int fbcount;

static int context_attribs[] =

//use gl_config to pack the necessary data:
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_RED_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.red_size;
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_GREEN_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.green_size;
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_BLUE_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.blue_size;
if( this->gl_config.alpha_size )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_ALPHA_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.alpha_size;
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_DEPTH_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.depth_size;

if( this->gl_config.stencil_size )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_STENCIL_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.stencil_size;
if( this->gl_config.double_buffer )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_DOUBLEBUFFER;
glx_attribs[c++] = True;

if( this->gl_config.accum_red_size )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_ACCUM_RED_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.accum_red_size;
if( this->gl_config.accum_green_size )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_ACCUM_GREEN_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.accum_green_size;
if( this->gl_config.accum_blue_size )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_ACCUM_BLUE_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.accum_blue_size;
if( this->gl_config.accum_alpha_size )
glx_attribs[c++] = GLX_ACCUM_ALPHA_SIZE;
glx_attribs[c++] = this->gl_config.accum_alpha_size;

//signals end of preferences to glXChooseFBConfig

//printf("\nGetting FBConfigs…"); fflush(stdout);
fbc=glXChooseFBConfig(SDL_Display, DefaultScreen(SDL_Display), glx_attribs,

//printf(“Done\nNo good FBC’s available, GL3.0 will not be possible\n”);

//printf(“Done\nGetting proc address…”); fflush(stdout);

//printf(“Done\nFunction pointer NULL, GL3.0 will not be possible\n”);

//printf(“Done.\nMaking empty context current…”); fflush(stdout);
glXMakeCurrent(GFX_Display, 0, 0);

//printf(“Done.\nDeleting old context…”); fflush(stdout);
glXDestroyContext(GFX_Display, glx_context);

//printf(“Done.\nCreating 3.0 context…”); fflush(stdout);
glx_context=glXCreateContextAttribsARB(GFX_Display, fbc[0], null_context,
True, context_attribs);

//printf(“Done.\nmaking new context current\n”); fflush(stdout);

then, this is the ickier part add to src/video/x11/SDL_x11video.c,
two bits:

at the top (better place would be in a header file I suppose)
void X11_GL_MakeGL30_Context(_THIS);

and at the end of X11_CreateWindow(), just before return (0),
at line 1098,

if ( flags & SDL_OPENGL ) {

I plan on ploughing through the Windows bit to get a GL3.0 context in windows as


  1. as far as I know, even under X, one needs a GL context to just make a 3.0
    context because one needs to get the function pointer for
    glXCreateContextAttribsARB, the above mess, just lets SDL-1.2.13 do its usual
    thing in making a GL context and then tries to make a 3.0 context afterwards; in
    truth it should make the context first, and if successful then delete the old
    one, the last bit of shine I leave for later, as of now it deletes the old one
    whenever it gets it has a valid fbc and can get the function pointer.

  2. TODO: check my X code; in truth I am not familiar at all with X programming,
    so if I made some X mistakes someone please post their fixes.

  3. TODO: add 3.0GL context creation to Windows target.

  4. TODO: add an interface to specify the context properties, right now it just
    does GL3.0 always… there are quite a few extras that
    glXCreateContextAttribsARB supports that should be added, the wgl analogue has
    similar extras too.

  5. TODO: add to SDL-1.3 as well (I am not using SDL1.3 right now as it is not
    stable and currently is not quite source compatible with SDL1.2)

Hello !

Err, lacking the ability to attach e-mails from the web interface, here is just
a blob of C-source:

Why are you not adding a diff as an attachment ?
GMail supports it.


I did not know that Gmail supported newsgroups, I just figured it did not, I am
using the web interface at to post… if someone knows
how to read news groups from gmail, in particular this one, please post it as
using the web interface at does not have an attachments
button :slight_smile:


this isn’t really a newsgroup, it’s a mailing list.

You can subscribe to it there and send emails to the list, including attachments.

Pat> ----- Original Message -----

From: (Kevin Rogovin)
To: sdl at
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2009 10:57:01 AM
Subject: Re: [SDL] SDL-1.2-13 made a GL3.0

I did not know that Gmail supported newsgroups, I just figured it did not, I am
using the web interface at to post… if someone knows
how to read news groups from gmail, in particular this one, please post it as
using the web interface at does not have an attachments
button :slight_smile:

SDL mailing list
SDL at

Attached is a diff created by:

diff -ur …/SDL-1.2.13/src src > …/SDL-1.2.13-GL30patch

to patch SDL-12.13 to create GL3.0 contexts. Caveats and ungoodness:

?1) changes are needed so that X does not barf on drivers that provide
but on hardware that is no 3.0 capable, i.e nVidia GeForce 7 or older;
in truth I do not know what
happens on GeForce 7 or older hardware with this patch, those with
that hardware please report
what happens. If I deliberately give bad numbers for
GLX_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB SDL barfs on x errors, (for example making

“X Error of failed request: BadValue (integer parameter out of range
for operation)
Major opcode of failed request: 143 (GLX)
Minor opcode of failed request: 34 ()
Value in failed request: 0x3
Serial number of failed request: 41
Current serial number in output stream: 43
Locking assertion failure. Backtrace:
#0 /usr/lib/ [0x14a767]
#1 /usr/lib/ [0x14a90e]
#2 /usr/lib/ [0x4fe109]
#3 /usr/lib/ [0x54b5e6d]”

?2) chances are we should make an interface to specify the attribute values
?passed to glXCreateContextAttribsARBProc, as of now they are fixed at:


there is also a bitfield paramater (commented out now) that
specifies weather or not to make a debug or forward compatible context.

  1. To come: patch windows subsystem for same purpose.

Best Regards
-Kevin Rogovin
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Hello all,

Attached is a “better” patch for SDL’s X11 path to generate a GL3.0
context, this is a patch against SDL-1.2.13.ta.gz on;
the “better” part is that it only changes src/video/X11/SDL_x11gl.c,
and nothing else; for my hardware/OS it works fine, but
testing would be appreciated and we should probably make an API to
specify if to make a 30 context and what properties for it.
I’d greatly appreciate testing from those that have 3.0 aware drivers
but unable to do 3.0 (for example GeForce7 or less with nVidia

I intend to patch the Windows code path next week, the code and what
to insert is very, very similar.

Best Regards
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