SDL 1.2.15 compiling in VS C++15 (I'm not getting the DLL)

Edit: I found them, I was searching the wrong directory. I was searching in SDL-1.2.15/VisualC/Release or Debug which had the libs but the DLL was in SDL-1.2.15/VisualC/SDL/Debug or Release

Hello all,

I am trying to compile SDL 1.2.15 and get some DLL’s (I know I can download pre-compiled ones). I upgraded the project with the auto upgrade, I retargeted the solution to use windows 10 SDK instead of 8.1 everything builds fine.

I don’t get DLL’s though, I only get libs. I am thinking it is a setting I am missing somewhere in the project but I can’t seem to locate it.

I just finished doing this with YAML as well but it had a cmakelist.txt and the option was right there to build the linked librarys.

Would you kind folk please tell me which option I am missing out on in VS C++ 15 to build the DLL.

Thank you.