SDL 2.0 are the tutorials bug free?

I just wanna make sure before I redo my whole game in SDL2. Here are few questions I have.

*the tutorials look like its in c#, I grew up on c++. Will I have trouble following along?
*how easy is transferring your work from sdl1.2 to sdl 2.0?
*will continuing to learn sdl 1.2 be helpful for sdl2.0 later? There still a little bit more I want to do with the older version but I really don’t wanna be left behind.

  1. What tutorials exactly? You can look at this one ->
  2. There is quite a bit of reworking needed, especially the entire drawing loop and some input function changes. (There is still SDL_BlitSurface and SDL_Flip got replaced with SDL_UpdateWindowSurface but they are kinda pointless to use given the new system)
  3. The rendering system changed completely from 1.2 to 2.0 but everything else is almost exactly the same so other than the rendering and input it won’t hurt too much to learn 1.2 since there are more tutorials for it.

There is a migration guide here:

LAURENT* wrote:> I just wanna make sure before I redo my whole game in SDL2. Here are few questions I have.

*the tutorials look like its in c#, I grew up on c++. Will I have trouble following along?
*how easy is transferring your work from sdl1.2 to sdl 2.0?
*will continuing to learn sdl 1.2 be helpful for sdl2.0 later? There still a little bit more I want to do with the older version but I really don’t wanna be left behind.

And about the Lazy foo SDL 2 tutorials being coded in c#

Its all in c++ …

C# looks like this

public class Hello1
public static void Main()
System.Console.WriteLine(“Hello, World!”);

LAURENT* wrote:> And about the Lazy foo SDL 2 tutorials being coded in c#