SDL-2.0: HG configure: error

When we’re checking out SDL-2.0 from HG it would be nice if we could not have this error about generated header files.

configure: error:
*** When building from Mercurial you should configure and build in a
separate directory so you don’t clobber SDL_config.h, SDL_revision.h

Generated files generally should not be checked into the VCS.

Right now I have to hack the configure to allow the build.


On, Sat May 12, 2012, greno wrote:

When we’re checking out SDL-2.0 from HG it would be nice if we could not have this error about generated header files.

configure: error:
*** When building from Mercurial you should configure and build in a
separate directory so you don’t clobber SDL_config.h, SDL_revision.h

Generated files generally should not be checked into the VCS.

Right now I have to hack the configure to allow the build.


Read the message carefully, afterwards create e.g. a directory named
build, change into it and call configure from there

~/devel/SDL# mkdir build
~/devel/SDL# cd build
~/devel/SDL/build# …/configure

and life is good again :-).

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Marcus von Appen wrote:

On, Sat May 12, 2012
Read the message carefully, afterwards create e.g. a directory named
build, change into it and call configure from there

~/devel/SDL# mkdir build
~/devel/SDL# cd build
~/devel/SDL/build# …/configure

and life is good again :-).


Well, it’s just tolerable. :slight_smile:

Now good, that would be not needing to do this.
