SDL Framework (SDLFW) with LUA binding

Hi everyone, I’m making a LUA binding to the SDL library.

So what is SDLFW ?

SDLFW is a cross-platform framework from the powerful SDL library to make 2D games with the LUA programming language.
It’s easy-to-use, free, open-source, and works on Windows and Linux (more platforms in new versions).

Main Features

  • Fast application development through LUA scripting language

  • Provides input from the keyboard, mouse, and joystick

  • Provides a clean, simple, and reliable time and timer API

  • Provides an API for reading and playing tracks on a CDROM

  • Provides a thread API that looks like a simplified version of pthreads

  • Is small, portable, and reliable


I just release SDLFW alpha version. This version only supports the SDL functions.
The AUDIO and CD-ROM functions are not supported in this version.
Enjoy it.

If do you like this project, please donate 1 dollar or more to make this project better.

Contact and Feedback

Eduardo David Correa - Developer
CorEduard @

Hi, I just release a new revised version of the alpha version, because I’ve some problems on Windows in old PCs with the SDL 1.2.15. So in this revised version I do a downgrade to the SDL 1.2.14 and compiled LUA as static library, now SDL.dll is the only DLL.

New version files :


Now, I working in the SDLFW 1.0 Beta this version, it have a full support to the all SDL functions :slight_smile:

Well, I just release SDLFW 1.0 Beta. Now with AUDIO and CD-ROM functions support.
Enjoy it :slight_smile:

Well, I just release SDLFW 1.0.1 Beta. Now with more functions for keyboard, mouse and more.
Enjoy it :slight_smile:

Well, I just release SDLFW 1.0.2 Beta. Now with more functions and more.

  • Adds endian and rwops functions.
  • Change some functions name (sorry about that) :
    SDLFW_AudioPositionAll --> SDLFW_AllAudioPosition
    SDLFW_AudioLoopAll --> SDLFW_AllAudioLoop
    SDLFW_AudioPlayAll --> SDLFW_AllAudioPlay
  • Next version : v1.1 with SDL_image support.

Enjoy it :slight_smile: