SDL Game Contest downloads

Sorry for the delay.

All entries are available for download from:

We should have download links on the main results page in a day or two.

John R. Hall - Resident, Sol System
CS Student, Georgia Tech - Author, Programming Linux Games

Sorry for the delay.

All entries are available for download from:

We should have download links on the main results page in a day or two.

You might consider adding homepages as well - most of these games are
probably available in a never version now.

MadsOn Mon, 21 Jan 2002, John Hall wrote:

Mads Bondo Dydensborg. @Mads_Bondo_Dydensbor
Oh well, all operating systems crash constantly right? This is normal, right?
It has to be, Microsoft couldn’t be so popular if their OS was so bad, could
Yes they could, and they are. And if you fail to realize it, it’s your own
damn fault.
- Ron Coscorrosa, in response to MS France FUD